Consciousness Videos

PT3 Lothar Schafer: Quantum Reality And Cosmic Consciousness


PT3 Lothar Schafer: Quantum Reality And Cosmic Consciousness


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3 thoughts on “PT3 Lothar Schafer: Quantum Reality And Cosmic Consciousness
  1. More details in a new book: "Infinite Potential."
    Quantum physics shows that there is an invisible part of the world that consists of non-material forms, which are real, because they can contract spontaneously to material particles. So, if invisible forms have the power to actualize as particles, why is it unacceptable that they can also appear as thoughts in our mind, when they interact with our brain? The brain isn't the source of our thoughts, just the receiver.

  2. Why should we assume that the mind, as opposed to inorganic computers, has any access to immaterial potentiality? I'm curious as to what evidence there is for this claim. If thoughts emerge from the interactions of particles in the brain, and I'm not sure how any one would seriously claim that they don't, then what part would be played by the particle when it is a pure probability wave and is interacting with nothing?

  3. Thank you for this lecture, and the other one, Quantum Reality and Decline of Darwinism. Lucid ideas, cogently presented! What a gift to the world.

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