Consciousness Videos

Quantum Biology: Irreducible Mind (Part 4)


Are there quantum processes in the brain? Can quantum mechanics better explain the mind and the soul?

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45 thoughts on “Quantum Biology: Irreducible Mind (Part 4)
  1. Imagine a farmer and his wife. They have slaves and hire workers on the farm. When their children are small, they learn both from them and their parents. They talk to their parents like sons and daughters, but start to work on the farm with no more rights than the slaves. But as they grow and learn, they get more rights and responsibility than the slaves and the workers.

    Maybe the slaves and the workers tell their children that their Father is very busy, but they can talk with them instead. Then they don’t get more rights than them. They tell them that their parents went abroad, but as time goes by they start to ask for them again. Then they say that they were killed. After some more days the children start to claim their rights as heirs. But then they say that there is no testament. As the children still claimed their heritage, they start to say that their parents didn’t really exist. The farm belongs to them and the children are their slaves.

    By the way compare to apostle Paul’s talk about the old and the new covenant (Gal.4) and Jesus’ talk about the two sons, one was lost the other remained at home. The lost one was dead, but became alive and returned home. Then the Father made a feast. The other one didn’t want to participate and went out. Because he had been faithful, but the Father had not let him make such a feast with his friends. But the Father came out and told him that all that he owns is his, he is heir. This is first of all Christ, as he went out and died instead of us. For he said about himself that all what the Fader has, is his. All who received him got the right to become children of God, borne by the Holy Spirit and what is borne by the Spirit is spirit. Then we live at our Father’s house. Then we don’t need to pray to him like slaves, because by faith we pray to him like heirs.

    He knew he should be executed and told his disciples. Still he would not leave them as Fatherless children, he would come to them and after he rose from then dead he said that should see he was with them every day. How? By sending the Holy Spirit to them from heaven.

    John.14, 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

    John.16,1 “All this I have told you so that you will not fall away.

    2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.

    3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.

    4 I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you about them. I did not tell you this from the beginning because I was with you,

    5 but now I am going to him who sent me. None of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’

    6 Rather, you are filled with grief because I have said these things.

    7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

    8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment:

    9 about sin, because people do not believe in me;

    10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer;

    11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

    12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.

    13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

    14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

    15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”

  2. The leaders of the Church should serve Christ. The alternative is to serve those who want to catch human souls like the fowler catches birds in his net.

    The priest in the Church is supposed to teach us what is most fundamental, that God is Spirit and has created everything with his Word. In it is life and it is the light for humans. Jesus is God’s Word and God’s Son and God loved the world so much that he sent him to the world, so that everyone that believe in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Everyone that received him he gave right to become children of God. So we shall learn to call upon Christ and talk with him as our savior and Lord and talk with God as our Father.

    Then it is very strange if the priest, maybe with the aid of other “well educated” people, like psychologists and psychiatrists, regard it as if there is something wrong with us if we do so. Anyone may come into a kind of trouble and then they do right in going to Christ with it, to try to get help to solve the problem and come out of it. Because he is our savior and Lord that will free you and save your soul like a bird from the fowlers net. But then they instead represent the interests of the fowler and with the diagnosis: human soul, it has come alive, that must come to an end. How could that come about? At the fall of sin, Eve and Adam ate from the three of knowledge and they regard it as if the people have got their knowledge that way and so do they. And the result was that God put enmity between the serpent and the woman and the human soul should die. As if they still haven’t heard, received and understood the gospel of Christ.

    Then they imagine that they are the ones to lead mankind to something new and better, to make development. But reptiles can’t even talk and it is more than 60 million years since they ruled the world, by the dinosaurs. So the ideology of a society where the members don’t communicate by talking is obsolete.

    Reptiles and mammals have a common ancestor, but reptiles were stronger and better fit to the environment and became the rulers of the world. Saurischians could lift their belly from the ground and ruled the world. Mammals did not take over because they were stronger and won over the reptiles, but because the dinosaurs were eradicated in a natural disaster. So this is used both to tell about dooms-day and God’s grace, that we may be saved from it.

  3. The Knowledge of Human consciousness given here is the experience, which we always get in deep Meditation and at this stage when we detach from the physical body and we see our self as eternal light sitting between Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland of Brain as Controller. In reality, we are not this mortal physical body but a point of metaphysical light energy i.e Consciousness Quantum Spiritual Energy (CQSE i.e. I soul an conscious observer), which is very subtle, immortal. We are "Consciousness energy" communicated with Human brain through quasi-crystal geometrical code frequency language in quantum space. Human brain has ability to “connect” and understand this quasi-crystal geometrical code frequency language through mechanism of Sacred Geometry field of "Shree Yantra". In scientific experiment consciousness acts as an observer. CQSE is itself consciousness creator and operates human body through its control circuit via brain and power circuit via subtle light body.

    In Short We soul’s basic thoughts frequencies acts on brain by creating vibrations through Aether energy (quantum vacuum energy) medium, which creates electromagnetic bio-photons through torsion waves and these acts on microtubules of brain as per quantum computing, which gives signals to neurons for transmission of vibrations under mechanism of unified sacred geometric field which collapse of quantum wave functions of CQSE's hyperplanck space which gives experience to us. CQSE with the help of 10-dimensional Strings which are connected to 16 Aethric energy points (as per pic), creates Aether energy in Planck's small space called Hilbert Space under Lagrangian mechanics and this Aetheric energy gives power to 37 trillion cells of our body with 7 major and 6 minor energy centers. and with the help of brain's Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal gland and with 100 billion neurons, the CQSE control all the movements of our body. CQSE give program to DNA via morphogenetic field to build organs of body. We carry information of present Karmic account in quasi-crystal geometry code of Aether energy for next birth to create Human body as per our Karmic account. We are eternal light below Planck scale having Scared geometry of Star (Pentagonal) type (size 10-108 m) which is fundamental space-time geometry, by which we interact with Aether energy (Quantum vacuum energy- QVE or Brahma Tatva) by vibrating our 10 dimensional string connected to Our fundamental Virtues and Powers which create frequencies from which vibrations go to Aether energy to get spin as per quasi-crystalline quantum dynamic physics which create E8 lattice geometry of partials and carrier of forces. This is under research how Quasi-crystal spin network of QVE under quantum gravity creates matters through sacred geometry with Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence. The Golden ratio is the fundamental link between Gravity and Quantum physics.

    We "Soul" design our body when we enter into mother's womb and start creation of body organs by giving program to DNA through morphogenetic field create by aetheric energy centers of CQSE. This program in terms of freq and vibrations, which Aether basic elements (Tetrahedron) read in terms of fluctuation or oscillations and make movement in group for creation of body parts. In the same sense the entire Universe who is body of God i.e Infinite Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness which created from higher dimension of conscious Aether energy through Quasi-crystal spin network of quantum gravity which creates matters through sacred geometry of Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence.

    Shakespeare said that, “This world is a stage and we are all the actors”. On this earth, we are like a guest. In reality, we came from the cosmic or soul world (i.e. Luminous Aether energy world) which is beyond this physical world. GOD is an Supreme Soul and he is an Conscious Unified Field of universe of in the 10th dimension of the universe with high Quantum Vacuum Energy (Aether) level of 1019 GeV with Infinite Silence Field of Pure Consciousness. The universe is running under mechanism of GOD's Sacred Geometrical pattern of 16 Aether energy's vertexes which leads give motions to particles and forces at very high energy levels in dance of Creation from Unified Field of universe.

    By 2025 the New World- "The Atlantis" design will be beginning after the Third World War and Natural Calamities. This is the World of Nikola Tesla's free Aether energy and its miracles technologies with 100% peace and purity of mankind on Earth planet will be established by Almighty God Shiva (Point of Infinite Eternal light and not Shankar} through Saptarishis (Annunakis) and Incorporeal God Shiva (Gforce of Universe) is presently giving the entire knowledge of creation from last 83 years as per his promise in All Holy Religions Books through Prajapita Brahma. We see the present World of big sorrow and human values are very degraded, but it is duty of GOD to uplift the mankind by teaching Rajyog for Spiritual empowerment of Human Soul and also change the entire world from Iron age to Golden Age as per World Cosmic cycle. This is beginning of new world order by Almighty GOD to transfer this present world into Golden Age – The Garden of Adam, on this earth by his very deep, vast and mysterious process. To understand this process and Physics of GOD, Soul (Self) and Universe in infinite energy of Aether element under the mechanism of Sacred Geometry, please watch the movie : Polaris Star – World Transformer Brahmastra (English)

  4. Conciousness to me is the singularity that they call the pre big bang. When we wake up it gets entangled in the brain and we're awake and all this stuff.

    It falls in and out of reality and our brain is the medium connecting them in quantum.

    Soul is quantum

    Body is the computer, not just the brain.

    I always said your mind comes out the senses and makes reality.

    Does the moon exist when no ones looking? What if everyone's blind?

  5. It's becoming clearer that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding. By this I mean, can any particular theory be used to create a human adult level conscious machine. My bet is on the late Gerald Edelman's Extended Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. The lead group in robotics based on this theory is the Neurorobotics Lab at UC at Irvine. Dr. Edelman distinguished between primary consciousness, which came first in evolution, and that humans share with other conscious animals, and higher order consciousness, which came to only humans with the acquisition of language. A machine with primary consciousness will probably have to come first.

  6. How is this theory not just hidden variables? And if there aren't any hidden variables, is the mind and decision making purely stochastic?

  7. Ah! So quantum computing is another attempt to mimic God. Like cloning.

    Quantum mechanics says there are dimensions. Our soul might naturally reside in our brains in a different dimension.

  8. IP, I'd love to hear your answer to this question:
    Let's say an agent is free to choose either A or B. The agent has got good reasons for both A and B, and he chooses B. Please answer me why he chooses that for the set of reasons rather than A for its set of reasons. It seems ultimately arbitrary. And how can an agent be responsible for an arbitrary choice?

  9. Is the quantum collapse not done by humans as the observer, but by God as the observer? God then takes our desires into account and forces collapse down paths that achieve the highest volume of positive outcomes against our inherent selfishness and evil, even causing our own thoughts to collapse to the single thought he chooses (if needed, like in the story of the king who took Issac’s wife, Rachel, for a time) as a mechanism to guide us through life?

    As he then knows all things in each of us, he willingly will collapse outcomes in our favor. As he is selfless and seeks the wellbeing of his children, literally at his own expense, dying for us.

    This is how God is sovereign, by being the only true observer, but he acknowledges the wants and needs of his children.
    Which is why individuals don’t cause conflicting collapses in our observations of reality, because an observer “farther out” than us is causing them in our place?

    I’m curious if this is what, or similar in direction to what, the ultimate implication of this all is in relation to God?

  10. Thank you so much for this video, especially the quote at 17:00.
    I thought that Penrose-Hameroff hypothesis was very interesting, especially because it could give a basis for the "biding" of qualia based upon entaglement, but I was wondering how these quantum processes in the micro-tubules could have an effect to the nerve impulses…
    But now, it seems that they may be also some quantum effects in the synaptic vesicular grids, now that's interesting…

    Even if I don't see if there is a link with the microtubules.
    But we could imagine that differents quantum processes could occur in the brain as we have different types of qualia (thoughts are differnets from feelings and so on).

    The list of links provided is awesome too !

  11. At 6:30 it becomes painfully obvious that you have no idea about quantum physics. Bringing up that photosynthesis involves quantum mechanics as if this was surprising is also a clear sign.

  12. Very fascinating but I am afraid that Tubulin is made of many other amino acids all with spinning electrons etc.. all maybe causing the superposition. There would be a lot of confusion in the quantum brain if this theory is true and it would require so much energy (the molecule of energy in biology is ATP) to collapse the system into one. Not really so much of an evolutionary advantage. Tubulin has several isoforms and post translational modifications, making its structure very complex and definitely explaining in a sensate way the variety of decisions taken by the brain. The tryptophan story does not make any biological meaning. I am not sure what the scientific papers claim but it is definitely worth reading them.

  13. Even devoid of the Irreducible Mind stuff (not saying it's wrong, just pointing something out) Quantum Biology, and the Quantum brain is yet another fascinating and compelling field of scientific study that faces a lot of obfuscation and mischaracterization, not because it lack validity, but because it challenge the scientific axioms that scientific materialists have hinged their entire worldview upon. Mark my words if the evidence keeps piling up, in 20 year's scientists that used gross mischaracterizations and deliberate obfuscation to hinder the field will be arguing that it proves their world view to be true in the next 20-30 years, and will hypocritically argue that anyone doing the same for another worldview or philosophy no matter how much more convincing the argument is, is just "Abusing Science" for their own ends, even if that is exactly what they themselves are trying to do. It happens almost every time.

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