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36 thoughts on “Quantum Consciousness, Quantum Mind STUART HAMEROFF (P.2)
  1. Mr. Hameroff you speak of consciousness as if it is a three dimensional construct. Nothing could be further from the truth. What science does not know about the larger aspect of our being would fill volumes. And, here you are attaching all sorts of scientific terminological idioms, that basically have no meaning. Quantum states indeed.

    You cannot ascribe three dimensional constructs to something that is so far outside of this reality, that the tools to measure what is outside of this third dimensional reality do not exist. If you cannot measure and actually define consciousness you are just grabbing at straws trying to sound intelligent, when no one, and I mean no one knows for sure what we truly are as consciousness !!!

  2. Maybe the super position electrons react to each other, irregardless of distance, because space doesn't actually exist. It's projected instantaneously by the hologram?

  3. The fundamental structure is instability as I see and everything else is a product of it. So simply all and none has credit or more valid than the other. And actually that's I found drives everything

  4. Also answers the question as which one was first the chicken or the egg all variation exist in the same time in entanglement and whichever been chosen the rest remain in superposition for further interaction.

  5. My theory has much more freedom and based on refer to everything as in a constant entanglement. As it's represent everywhere unavoidable does not requires to define consciousness as awareness of the relation to the information itself and allow choose or perceive without define.

  6. Thinking trough symbols with given meaning explain we are rational and logical trough this foundation as we do self reflect and all link to its effect just can't specify anything at all

  7. Of course I do Joe. I was on the same conclusion long before. Trouble is consciousness is an effect on the relation of the reference and the frame and since the effect as perception and the mirror image logically does not math there is much more to it.

  8. the information in the "future" means you must use the same superposition so memory is nothing but the infite access of the same superpositioning and thats how you collapse again and again the wave function.therefore past and future not exist and it does match with your perception of time which is always now.what happen 2 months later is in the same now and the experience is based on the information accessed by the superposition as remain valid

  9. a fish could swim any way until you dont colapse into any reality by your observation.but i cant deny the fact until you actually see it happen it will be in infinite superposition even tough if you collapse into any it still remain in superposition for another observation that would suggest another dimension but still you need information of again you must i can not take you out of the view as reference frame to a reference point.but you to able to still access in/ to be con…

  10. hey Joe i had similar oppinion and the 40 times/second conscious moment could explain the flow of time.but i found if if there is consciousness exist in the form of protocunsciousness then it could be everythng in constant superpositions and it could basicly explain everything because everything in superposition explain the infinite probability and why unstable structure support growth arrow without dimension or time nor space need to achieve perception also could be non local theoricly

  11. Agree, but it requires an observation of yours. So you can imagine the whole world move separate but you can't tell. So from other point of view happens only one thing per moment what you process

  12. since time is always no everything happen in the same time.the only arrow is the growth of the complexity and nothing exist apart from the moment you experience the rest are memory but to access again as reality need you to want it to it absolutely dependent on your no future no past and since no time there is no zero dimensional non locality all together could be no universe and everything in its structure just an illusion

  13. if you take away dimension and you are in non locality you are the reference of your own observation and doing so create a hologram by distort your own it means everything you look is you and why is that because you know where you look before you doing wouldnt look anything if you could be sure something will be u must know the information before you processing leads to a self validation of the illusion with every moment you experience.verify external validate you

  14. anyhow the universe could of been able to collapse into one reality or self collapse what WTF is the expansion comes from?it makes much more sense if its still in superposition and that how it can be infinite also the structure itself is in its only a possibility remain a possibility experience itself

  15. you mean every possibility exist but you experience only one due physical laws.i believed the same thing trough my research but also gives many unsolved problems.that also completely deny free will for many occasion.which is can be true easily but also so many other thing as well and funny enough there is no way you can proof could be dead and hallucinate all your life or just dream your life all over and over…

  16. There are an infinite number of universes. The number is actually infinity. Any decision you make could put you in another universe. It would be the same as the one you were just in, except that, if you had made the opposite decision, you'd now be in another universe and never know the difference.

    My idea is that, instead of "deciding what will happen", we're merely choosing the universe in which that thing DOES happen.

    I could be wrong, of course.

  17. true but if you have no visual sense you cant talk about wave and radioation but you still have reference to define all this doesnt stand strong.but if we look everything as infromation is can be the same for each sense including the same information content and so on the reference as source of information and your observation is actually the same cant exist without reference so if you have no sense at all every memory becomse you reference but only what real

  18. agree on the choose but you see you no need any universe to do that.if you think about it you observation as reference frame is always the same so you may never moved in space and time because creating images no required you are in zero dimension non locality (just like your sense taken away and you have no idea where you are) but to communicate with anyone else possible if everything in your reality is me and every single thing is the same you

  19. I'm just going to throw this out there. Feel free to tell me what you think:

    Instead of our consciousness deciding what will happen and actually causing events to happen at the quantum level, how about looking at it from this angle:

    Our consciousness merely chooses from the "multiple choice" he mentions, not "what will happen", but which universe we will continue to live in from that point on.

    In other words, all the choices have been made. We choose which universe to live in as they seperate

  20. leaks out Planks constant? that is a analogy stretch of word play there that has nothing to do with science. Mixing philosophy with pseudo science is wrong.

  21. Your comment just blew my mind & made me think of ….

    What does this button do

    Wierd how I actually found a video that almost exactly matched what I thought of?

  22. Wow spriituality, from what I've researched goes amazingly well with this, it's like an already explained version of reality which scientists are trying to find it the hard way.

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