Consciousness Videos

Quantum Physics and Nonduality with Seth Kostek | Mind Escape 86

Mind Escape

#QuantumPhysics #Nonduality #SethKostek

“Quantum Physics and Nonduality” Episode #86
Today we sit down with scientist Seth Kostek. We will be discussing his interpretation of Quantum Physics, Nonduality, and the nature of Consciousness and reality. Seth Kostek was captivated by the ostensible ability of science to unlock and play with the mystery of our apparent universe. This fascination lead to his pursuit of scientific inquiry at Georgetown University and the University of California, Berkeley; earning a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology as a graduate student under principal investigator Dr. Eva Nogales. 
Through experiment, meditative practice, and extensive systematic studies of Consciousness his scientific insight into relativity, quantum physics, and black hole thermodynamic geometric information theory has lead to the unveiling that the actuality of quantum spin angular momentum (ħ) is a description of Consciousness. ħ expressed in terms of Gibbs and Bekenstein-Hawking entropic equations elucidates that the substance of the content in experience is Knowing the non-physical simultaneous abstraction and composition of complementary opposite limits within concepts as holographic interference information; thus, unifying science and Nonduality into a holistic model of Singular Consciousness.

* Author of Visual perception mediated by light traversing 4-dimensional spacetime continua is an illusion
* Author of c-ing Nonduality (in preparation)
* Vice President — Santa Clara Systems, Inc
* Exploring the Singularity of Being

*Check out his youtube channel and website at:

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15 thoughts on “Quantum Physics and Nonduality with Seth Kostek | Mind Escape 86
  1. Excellent and well-articulated presentation. Congratulations to Mind Escape for hosting this thought-provoking Convo. Our highest commendation to Seth for his courageous blending of QP and the Advaita concepts from the Upanishads.

    At about 40.00 mins into the discussions, Seth mentions about multiple Infinities arising out of a simple multiplication, say, 2 x 1. What one has to bear in mind is that, as Advaita makes it clear, there cannot be more than one Infinity. All the multiplicities of unbounded dimensionless infinities will be identical and hence, they will all be the One and the same.

  2. Speaker mentions I can’t touch tip of the finger with tip of the finger its the exact copy of the statement which says “you can’t see ur own eyes through ur eyes” mentioned in upanishads and vedanta. Speaker mentions the microphone in front of you is consciousness but he doesn’t explain why it is consciousness and why person is perceiving it as microphone and not consciousness, this is because  he has understood only half of the concepts of vedanta and even if had read about “maya” he couldn’t appropriate with the western lens and he omitted that. There is only consciousness “sarvam kalvidham brahma”, I am the consciousness “ aham brahmasmi” these are again direct copy of the statements from Upanishads and Vedanta.
    The speaker mentions  concept of knowing, not equals knowing  multiply the concept of being,  not equal being will result in universe. But why its multiply operator why not other operator speaker himself states that the belief and experience are different and now he is making a statement so should it be believed ?
    The clever question what happens after death was dodged and finally speaker mentioned that after death it returns to consciousness here the speaker doesn’t really understands who the ‘I’ is and he can’t make difference between body and ‘I’ he thinks the body is ‘I’. If after death  ‘I’ returns to consciousness and how the new people are born ? According to him “concept of knowing, not equals knowing  multiply the concept of being,  not equal being will result in universe” (creation of universe is nothing but creation of new people as people are also part of universe or universe exists because 'I' exist in both cases birth of new people becomes important) so in order for the new people to born from consciousness the consciousness should multiply with non-consciousness  but there is only consciousness exists hence the new people cannot be born. At this stage I gave up as its too much of stupidity

  3. In one sentence ""Brahma Satya Jagat Mithya"" As Advaita would put it.
    I am not telling they got it long time before…Sadly, yet it remains undescribable … :):):)
    High time Science, Philosophy and Religion solve their clashes on the same reality…:):):)

  4. Western easternism is what I call it. Inquire, consider, then try to intellectually recreate it. Quantum Physics the new Gita ? So many models and theories for something so basic. The fact there are more scientists that are dualistic is actually terrifying. Darwin’s Sheep.

  5. Just think this way…can 'you' 'aware' of something that are exactly you??
    No…right? You can't aware of motion of something if it move with you…similar way , you can't aware the changes in something if you are that thing..

    Then look to your body..are you aware of itz change? Yes,then you are not body

    Are you aware of change in mind,perceptions,thoughts and cognitions…yes…then you are not mind

    So conlusion: you are not body,not mind ,you are aware of all this things . so you are pure consciousness

    Pure consciousness is neither known nor is knower

    Non dual vedantha approach,it's not like this actually, itz just to introduce shankara approach

  6. Great vedio💯💯It will be great if you can make vedio on adwaitha vedantha…it is a vast subject but have different, comparitively more simple approach to to same conclusion with strong logical base❤️

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