Consciousness Videos

Quantum Physics & Psychology : Such Great Physics


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The notion that quantum mechanics might have something to do with psychology or more generally the emergence of consciousness has been an idea that’s been entertained by several physicists and scientists but not the majority. Find out about quantum physics and psychology with help from an applied physics professional in this free video clip.

Expert: Walter Unglaub
Filmmaker: bjorn wilde

Series Description: Physics is one of the most important topics that we will all learn about during our educational careers. Find out about physics with help from an applied physics professional in this free video series.


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9 thoughts on “Quantum Physics & Psychology : Such Great Physics
  1. I believe that there is intelligence in everything that we’re made of. If a human being has intelligence then how can the things that make up the human being not have intelligence. I believe I have intelligence, not just in my brain, but from my head to my toes and inside and out. Now I just have to figure out how to tap in to that intelligence! 🤔🤔🤔

  2. Superposition, maybe , in the "tubules"
    Entanglement, requires an observer, or ,more paradoxically , a non observer.such a mechanism is not known to exist in the brain
    Quantum computers using superposition have grown exponentially, causing a disturbance in the collective unconscious , altering the zeitgeist, and every time a cubit gets added to the D-Wave, it doubles in power. Classical minds are tapping into their superposition potential, some are calling it an awakening.
    Of course the facts are not all yet in, but the human race is about to experience a quantum change in thanking.

  3. I've always thought there might be some connection between two opposing states both being true and the human mind: what's true for me isn't necessarily true for you. but both equally valid?

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