Consciousness Videos


Divine Frequency

QUANTUM SHIFT in CONSCIOUSNESS! NEW Parallel REALITY // This morning I experienced a quantum shift in consciousness and I am quite sure that I am now in a new parallel reality. Learn about quantum physics and quantum jumping. This will clearly show you 3 signs you are about to have a quantum shift in vibration. Learn how to shift your vibration through activating quantum consciousness, and how it relates to quantum science and the quantum neural network. Brought to you by Teresa Yanaros of Divine Frequency.

#quantumshiftinconsciousness #parallelreality #quantumconsciousness


Coming Out of Depression? Awakened Souls EXPAND!



[PRESENTATION] Personal Transformation: Wave of Spiritual Growth

The “Spiritual Awakening Hijack”

What Happened to Teresa Yanaros?

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  1. Hello, dear one,

    I am here in Germany, and I am a spiritual traveller, time traveller, I have been practicing special trainings for over 36 years to get out of physical experiences, that means to die before you die.
    And I can only agree with everything you write, Yes it is the same, and there is much more.
    We should never forget, with all the knowledge about technology and quantum science, that love is the real main reason for creation. The energy of creation, or the divine energy of creating, of materializing, is joy, or fear.

    These energies make everything possible. Even if we had no knowledge of quantum science, but knew of the higher divine love, because it contains everything in creation, then we would have achieved the main goal as human beings.

    Well,,,and the ancient religious leaders like Christ, Buddha, Krishna and whatever they are called, already knew about these things.

    So the knowledge about it exists from the beginning of time, everything is already there and exists already in the Eternal "Now".
    We should start again to learn as human beings to direct our consciousness, and thus the event or wish (the imagination) appears, Yes, creation is finished, and the human being reflects the great Divine Being in infinite states.
    Therefore, an enlightened mind can say, "I am always with you when you call me" or when man says,
    "Please be with me" then he will always be there. Sometimes a person even appears to another person, regardless of the distance, it can also be a star in the infinite cosmos, a planet. It can materialize in many places at the same time, that is demonstrably known.

    It's all a matter of really "wanting to" and doing certain exercises, because it's clear that God has become man.
    In my exercises, in contemplation, I sing the Highest Word of the divine frequency, it is the HU, sung it goes like this,

    Deep breathing, attention to the crown chakra or the forehead – the spiritual eye, with the intention of reaching the highest divine frequency ( Divine Love ), then while breathing out the Hiiyyuuuuuu. singing, quietly for yourself, or in your thoughts, but also loudly in the open air, when you are alone, or alone in certain rooms, or while driving a car, doing housework in the kitchen, cooking, whatever. in the beginning only 3 minutes, then you can increase it to 5-20-30 minutes, or even longer. It is a lovely song to the source of the highest being, it is the primal sound, in it is contained everything an individual needs to expand his consciousness and become aware of the highest love.
    It also serves as an individual protection against all dangers, in all universes and levels, "It" is always present.
    Good luck and success and much love.

    Translated with (free version)

  2. It could be associated with dendrite division. In childhood and adolescence the brain dendrites will divide, significantly increasing the neural network capacity. This may also occur later in life. You wake up a different person, able to bring many new advanced concepts into your awareness that yesterday would have seemed like nonsense.

  3. In my opinion what you channelled was talking about removing blocks to the free flow of love / quantum consciousness, and using love to train yourself out of bad habits. Just my perspective but maybe it helps. 😁

  4. Yeah that happens with me too…Just wake up different. For my part, I like seeing you be you…whether i agree with you or your guest about something or not. Tou seem different. You seem free like never before. Rock onπŸ‘

  5. Sure feeling we are coming back to our truest being
    We are transcrossing timelines

    Transcadence of frequencies, holding the original vibration
    Our true self

  6. This very thing happened to me on February 14th. My life has been miraculous ever since. I knew I jumped timelines. Thanks for your expressions. Great job sister!

  7. Perfection comes when one reaches a state of continuous evolvement. The quantum shift is really quantum shifts. Over one's lifetime, they may experience several shifts both ascending in frequency and descending in frequency. Once one shift occurs, your awareness opens up to unforeseen possibilities, which then alter your frequency to the point where another quantum shift occurs along with the opened awareness that goes with it. The process goes on and on.
    Teresa, you are doing great! Keep embracing each quantum shift that you experience! Keep sharing your experiences. Much love to you!

  8. This occured to me the other day… God feels like "creative inclination". Avery (spirit buddy) prolly stuck that in my head. Lol, he (presents as male in both looks & sound) likes multi-syllabic, complicated words, i.e., sometimes I have to consult the thesaurus which amuses him.

  9. One of your best videos of what regular people are going through. Good job now break it down what the struggles that will pull people.back into 3d thoughts and actions. This is were most people are now. Nobodys guiding people to stay in the light frequencies.

  10. Fantastic! I knew your true self would step back into the light. You just needed to take some time to work it out. I’m very happy to see you letting go and embracing what is naturally a part of who you are. Thanks as always for sharing.

  11. Omg. I just realized. I sent an email to Laura Eisenhower asking her if its possible to be on a different timeline than some other people who may or may not live in my dwelling with me. Because not everyone, as im beginning to see, experiences a thing and even has a different memory than i do. Like we can both tell our version of what just just happened. And its completely different. So the next thought in my head was. Maybe we're on different timelines. But we can still see each other. Wow. Mindblown. πŸ€•πŸ’­πŸ™†πŸ‘₯πŸ€€πŸ€”πŸ€·

  12. Loved every minute of this! After every video you make, I like you much more than I already do! Your authenticity is inspiring! πŸ’šπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  13. β€˜I just don’t care what people think anymore’

    Twitter did this to me.

    That’s a joke, great message and β€˜timely’

  14. I'm proud of you. No fear sister I'm so glad you have broke free. We are each special divine beings connected to God. Just be you and share your gifts. I have felt a timeline shift. You are not crazy, you have this. Can't wait to see your future content.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  15. It is my observation that you came under attack because you are such a bright beautiful light in the world. You are growing and sharing your journey, and a wonderful example…own that for sure. Looking forward to more.

  16. You are right, God is not religious, nor id God a religion, Christ did not start a new religion, and he was not a Christian, nor was his name Jesus, it was Jeshua Ben Joseph,

  17. You understand preconceived notions. You are receiving the backlash of forces that are less confident. You will be challenged internally and externally. What you do from here will be the test. You be the judge.

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