Consciousness Videos

Quantum Thoughts – We Create Our Own Reality – Dr. Amit Goswami

Quantum University

Quantum Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami discusses how Quantum Physics views the slogan that became famous in the 1970s, “We Create Our Own Reality.”

Some excerpts:

“Quantum Physics says objects are waves of possibility for consciousness to choose from. …

“So must be a question of what to choose and how to choose. Maybe we don’t choose in the usual constricted consciousness that we call the ego. What is quantum physics really saying? …

“Quantum physics is saying that we choose from a consciousness where everyone is one, where the separateness does not exist. … Some things do not belong to us in terms of choice. But what we think, how we manage your health, how we love others, these things do belong to us to choose, and this is where we have to apply our intention. …

“Quantum physics is very simple, if you understand the message correctly. A new world view is coming which helps us to understand the message correctly.”

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16 thoughts on “Quantum Thoughts – We Create Our Own Reality – Dr. Amit Goswami
  1. Science & Spiritual Academia ♥️+🧠

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  2. Thanks Beloved Dr. AMIT GOSWAMI Sir…For Explaining The Basics Of The QUANTUM PHYSICS And The POSSIBILITY To TRANSFORM The Planet Radically ,Being A QUANTUM ACTIVIST…….

  3. Correct, everything has to be 'THINKING' about it first prior to it being 'Materialized' into your Quantum World. Jesus says the same thing, over and over in the BIBLE. Just saying.

  4. I wonder what he would have to say about people having a certain vibration. I wonder if he'd say its true that positive emotions correspond to higher vibrations. And if wonder if he's say our vibrational state can effect or resonate with things around us, giving emotions the contagious nature they seem to have sometimes. Spiritual people and new agers like to say that science supports the idea that we have a contagious vibrational state like this, but i'd like to hear that confirmed by a physicist.

  5. So many comments about the physical aspect of reality, as if we can or can't magically transform things by ourselves, individually. It's not just about thinking as a separate being. He explains quite simply and elegantly why that is not possible or desirable at the Quantum level, how it can't work that way because of contradictory individual desires. Having individual power only creates competing individual realities. Quantum is universal in nature, essential. It is how we move into oneness with each other, recognizing how we are all interconnected that allows us to choose together, to intend together what our world can be. If we agree on values, and intend to have these values manifest together, we can rapidly create physical realities, good and bad. It's the difficulty in choosing the highest good for all together that makes it so difficult to manifest physical things that advance our happiness. Quantum Physics is about possibilities, not individual magical powers. As we contemplate consciousness as a larger cooperative, the chances of manifesting positive results for all increase. It is simple, but not easy. Someday we may figure out how to manifest those working legs the same way we replace joints and heal many other things we could not do a short time ago. If we held that as a high value and collectively poured intention toward it, it will come at an accelerated pace. The chances increase for that possibility the more cooperative the value, intention, and effort are.

  6. Saying you are conscious and can choose and therefore you can choose anything, doesn't follow.
    If I am hungry and have in front of me an apple or a pear and i choose either, that doesn't mean I can then choose a mango.

    Also, choosing from the one consciousness inside of us both won't work if we disagree on what this consciousness is.
    People have said for centuries that god is the answer but with all the different gods, it has led to war.
    Why not choose a secular set of values we can agree on for the common decency of the human condition, instead of giving our responsibility over to something we cannot directly interact with, or study?

  7. A Wonderful Presentation Dr Amit We At Good Life Partner With U . Huawei & Howie Charity Trust . We Live Simply So That Others May Simply Live i Derek C Howie Shower U With Blessings Take care yours D.C.H. out

  8. He basically just explained how quantum physics plays no part in creating our own reality, good work Doc, finally someone is putting this misunderstanding to rest. Yes you can create your own reality within the limits defined by reality, so a person born without legs is unable to manifest a working pair of legs, but if they're smart enough they might be able to engineer a replacement set (an extreme example to make a point). You can become more successful and attractive by working on your personality, grooming, health and fitness, you'll still never be as attractive as someone born with all those qualities but you can be better than what you where born as and the circumstances you were born into. But just thinking about stuff doesn't manifest reality unless action is applied to make those thoughts come into being. There's nothing mystical about it, it's just focus, hard work and practice makes perfect.

  9. he looks so tired in this video, without him I would have no quantum faith and I'd still be wondering how and why I've manifested so much in my life. I understand how it is that I have done it through the years but now that I have the knowledge I find myself far more confused in making my own destiny. I'd kill for some believable theory on this and not from somebody hiding up a book they wrote.

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