Consciousness Videos

Reality is Virtual, Consciousness is king, Anthony Peake and Tom Campbell 13Feb2013 2 of 2

Vinny Eastwood

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Vinny’s NUTShell: Tom Campbell Anthony Peake
An extremely entertaining and informative show, it’s not every day that you get to delve into the nature of reality itself and return on the other side unscathed and enlightened.
Consciousness can change reality almost as much as reality can change your consciousness, the universe is a huge place with many unexplained phenomenon.
Why is it that men can’t find anything in the fridge?
How is it possible for people to move from one location to another seemingly instantaneously?
Why is consciousness within the human psyche understanding that which science cannot explain?
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8 thoughts on “Reality is Virtual, Consciousness is king, Anthony Peake and Tom Campbell 13Feb2013 2 of 2
  1. I don't advise starting here if you're new to MBT.  I have listened to practically all of these talks, some more than once. I am usually impressed by how accepting and "charge neutral" they are — gentle, loving guidance. This one, however, seems to have fallen into the ego trap –  black and white in more than a few of its comments, at odds with the overall message. The judgments don't sit well with me – and may not with you either.

    If you're young, this round robin might reinforce the notion of "inferior/superior" – which won't be helpful.  If you're older and just beginning to investigate, you may well be tempted to decide to throw out the baby with the bathwater as you discount a few of the conclusions that seem to indicate that it is now too late — which also won't be helpful. 

    Mother Theresa had a tough life personally, even though she did a lot for others. No single concentration camp victim "created" that reality.  Many people's lives "came into their own" in their 70s, after decades "in a cubicle."   It's never too late to, in Thom's language, "grow up" – and there's a great deal of wisdom in MBT sans judgment.

    Whatever path you've traveled that brought you to an exploration of ideas like these served its purpose well. We truly don't know which elements are foundational, or how one's own life may have inspired others in important ways, regardless of how unremarkable it may seem from the outside.

    Everybody has a bad day where we entertain and speak from, shall we say, "lower vibrational levels" or "higher entropy." I know I've had mine, and this may have been one of them for this team. I'd love to see this particular interview replaced, or edited to be more congruent with and representative of the overall message.

    Before you jump to any conclusions, listen to at least one interview where, except for the questions, Tom does most of the talking.

    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    "It takes a village to transform a world!"

  2. hmmm….Peake says what a synchronicity it was how they both used the TOE acronym, when Tom had already explained his use for it. very straightforward.

  3. will someone please tell me how to point someone in the direction of Tom's work who is very wrapped up in the creation vs evolution debate? evolution side deny's any paranormal, and Tom is all about paranormal, but I've heard him mention millions of years and he uses the word evolution a lot, however the creation side is an entirely different theory with the earth created only thousands of years ago? help!

  4. Currently reading MBT and read Tony's books once you have been blown away by his book about the Dameon be sure to read The Third Man Factor by John Geiger it totally validates what Tony is saying.

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