Consciousness Videos

Reality Shifts – When Consciousness Changes the Physical World by Cynthia Sue Larson

Conscious Life News

Alexis Brooks discusses Reality Shifts with author Cynthia Sue Larson and how we all can shift reality for the better in our lives.


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10 thoughts on “Reality Shifts – When Consciousness Changes the Physical World by Cynthia Sue Larson
  1. She is a pioneer,of this term reality shifter! I only encourage people to PRACTICE..its like any skill,you cannot ride skateboard,while just sitting and thinking. Its a muscle. Its fun,because you alter not perceptions,but you change people's "actions" your own magical highlights are better then FX then hollywood films. You can MANIFEST objects,people,healings,cash,needed medicines,parts ( like ebay stuff) even animal helpers,or pets..
    departed people. to me,its BORING earth journey not doing so?? whats the point?? just eat,sleep work,like a slave race ?? no thanks.

  2. Hi Cynthia ive just subbed and have been blown away with your great work.
    However im confused about the 'sinister' one eyed symbolism which has been brought into popular consciousness via the recent online obsession with the 'Illuminati' that is featured prominently on your book cover?
    Please enlighten me as to your book cover choice. I dont want to think you're part of the brotherhood….

  3. the steps of alcoholics anonymous have been changed from "you" vernacular to "we" in early 2011… the light does not discount the darkness

  4. Is that all" ready to turn down" the inheritance of the world" Talk to Mr Cheney"or Mr Bush, thou, your price" is not even in the ball park, try on the scale of 100 million" And they might even produce Satan him self ?

  5. Why not show these guys YOU ARE real and help spread word to more people quicker? Here is a genuine man named James Rasndi. I am Indigo and believe we need to spread the word The Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims. At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.

  6. I talked to computer guy who worked under Top Secret as a programmer for defense contractors who said he had a 2ghz laptop issued to him in 1988.

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