
Research at NVIDIA: The First Interactive AI Rendered Virtual World


This AI breakthrough will allow developers and artists to create new interactive 3D virtual worlds for automotive, gaming or virtual reality by training models on videos from the real world. Learn more:


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27 thoughts on “Research at NVIDIA: The First Interactive AI Rendered Virtual World
  1. So they can superimpose action on you if they have a model of you… So… basically any crime caught on tape is questionable… "No officer I didn't kill her! Some nerds used a Neural Net to frame me!"

  2. The ancient bygone artists are all laughing at how far we've fallen. No longer does man seek to create art. We will just let the machine take our creativity away along with everything else

  3. It's weird to think that soon this technology will be able to generate an entire AAA game from scratch, maybe even as the player progresses.

  4. When we finish 2-way CNS connections (Even a 1-way CNS connection will do just fine) we will finally have some extra worlds to have fun in. For now, we will have to settle for VR =).

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