
Richard Dawkins – CHRISTMAS LECTURES 1991 – Growing up in the Universe

The Royal Institution

The world-famous evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins presents the Royal Institution CHRISTMAS LECTURES in 1991.

Original broadcast live on the BBC, the series explored “our own growing knowledge of how life grows up in the universe.”

This is the first lecture in the series entitled “Waking up in the Universe”.

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31 thoughts on “Richard Dawkins – CHRISTMAS LECTURES 1991 – Growing up in the Universe
  1. That message sent from our planet should travel at the speed of light, then, it will travel accompanied with the image of us, sending the message. When the message arrives to the supposed receivers, and they look through their telescopes to our planet, they see the light that went out with the message, thus, they see us, not dinosaurs! I guess…

  2. The same people who brings a too small kid to an airplane, or a movie or something. Go spit! Get yer own airline to get around. Air barf springs to mind, or Libero Airways with wings or some crap like that. Whiny? You bet I am! And I have reasons….and if you ever sit next to me on a plane, I'll tell you aaall about it in a loud and annoying voice. πŸ˜‰ Seriously….don't bring kids where they shouldn't be if it can be avoided. Especially airplanes, where they can't do much about the pressure. <—-every parent should know this before putting a baby on a plane. ( I've had medical reasons for not being able to plop my ears, and I flew once. I cried all the way, so when I see parents with small babies on a plane, I try very hard to shut up.

  3. "I felt the wind of it!" That's exactly what I will say, in the future, to anyone who's just flapping he's gums. Brilliant! πŸ™‚

  4. just when i thought i had a good knowledge of evolution, Prof. Dawkins you taught me more. this is the beauty of science, you can never know all but you can always know more than you already know.

  5. This dude knows how to keep people interested. Reminds me of my physics professors in uni. The dude would stop at nothing to keep students' attention on point. Once he even went as far as to balance on top of his desk, on a chair that was balancing on one leg, with him balancing on one leg on top of it. The old dude had his game plan worked out.

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