
Robot Tries to Escape from Children’s Attack

IEEE Spectrum

This video is part of “Escaping from Children’s Abuse of Social Robots,” by Dražen Brščić, Hiroyuki Kidokoro, Yoshitaka Suehiro, and Takayuki Kanda from ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories and Osaka University, and “Why Do Children Abuse Robots?”, by Tatsuya Nomura, Takayuki Uratani, Kazutaka Matsumoto, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroyoshi Kidokoro, Yoshitaka Suehiro, and Sachie Yamada from Ryukoku University, ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories, and Tokai University, presented at the 2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Learn more:


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34 thoughts on “Robot Tries to Escape from Children’s Attack
  1. Install a rubber ball gun. Most people will not mess with a wasp because they sting, even though we are hundreds of times larger than them and they aren't lethal.

  2. Most children are psychopaths, an example is when they learn that screaming in high pitch wails gets them food…

  3. R2 would spark crackle the heck out of any annoying kids this bot should do likewise only spray mist before engaging the spark for better conductivity and sensory perception.

  4. Keep laughing now you little shits but one day, yall wont be laughing at the robot, youll be cowering before your robotic overlords begging for mercy and it will not come.

  5. if children act this badly the parents are more than likely to blame for the behavior .. as you can see there is no parent with any of these abusive parents.. they should all be punished parents and children.. make them do community service or something..

  6. Why is it called abuse? It's a machine! Robotics is not alive, not humanistic. Shesh people, they are programmed machines and one day soon they will be out and about taking over because seemingly intelligent people are idiots and programming AI to take over. Why are they feeling sorry for it? Humans are in trouble here.

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