
Roger Scruton – The True, the Good and the Beautiful

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Eminent Scholar of aesthetics Roger Scruton raises important questions about the individual’s relationship with morality and the arts.
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40 thoughts on “Roger Scruton – The True, the Good and the Beautiful
  1. under atheist materialism the true is merely matter and its spatial relationships, the good is a mere social construct and the beautiful's only function is to aid in reproductionm, usually by attracting a mate. If Scruton is an atheist but not a full nihilist he is a lazy and inconsistent thinker

  2. all the anglosaxon thought is based in aristocratic degeneracy which wants to have absolute power over the rest of the humanity.
    There are many degenerates all over the world who stick with that sick.
    And that is the story of the Mother of all Frauds.

  3. I disagree that art isn't a purely sensory pleasure. In the case of music and some painting it often is. Both can also be analysed intellectually but speaking personally, I often allow the feelings and emotions that works of art provoke before attempting to extract meaning!

  4. right off the bat – the typical academic line that we are forever questioning while never having the answer and that's just the way it should be – johnny depp, the film don juan demarco, the four questions scene – there's your answer

  5. I have noted that left-wing thinkers are often vain, and exhibit this in a variety of ways, including eccentric "attention seeking" whiskers and/or hair that is self-consciously groomed (like narcissistic teenagers, forever looking in the mirror). Sir Roger certainly cannot be accused of this. If you will forgive me, the great man looks as though he has just fallen out of bed and slung on whatever happens to be in the wardrobe, which I find reassuring. I don't know why I have written this. I got a bit squiffy last night. Toodle pip! By the way, apparently hairdressers are (apparently) the "happiest" members of our community, and dentists the "unhappiest" (forever throwing themselves off cliffs or sticking their heads in gas ovens etc…). Perhaps this is because they are always down-in-the-mouth — ha! ha!

  6. Incredible lecture. So elucidating and poignant. Enthralled from as soon as I heard the introduction. It is always about questions, always. The beauty is to find the right questions to ask and the meaning to a meaningful life is the ability to be able to ask enough questions to find it.

  7. Beauty isn't a value with (((marxists))), as their ideology would say everyone is equally beautiful.
    There used to be meaning when someone was described as having "movie star good looks". Now that means looking like (((Adam Sandler)))?
    Our cultural values are being hijacked by (((a certain tribe))) that has a stranglehold on our institutions.

  8. The incorporating of the Aristotelian transcendentals into 13th c. Christian philosophy was the beginning of the end for beauty: the wonder of being cannot be understood simply as a joy taken in finding things to have perfection according to our thought processes. There are types of beauty that can but those types of experiences that might be called spectacular or awe inspiring, for instance, come about due to our inability to fully comprehend them e.g. a sunset. The aporia concerning the existence of beauty as a property of things or only of mind can only be solved by the belief in an higher power or a recognition of our inadequacy to fully comprehend the universe. Since the Enlightenment we have been brainwashed into disregarding the spectacular aspect of beauty as the aporia cannot be solved by secular paradigm. I believe that the solution lie not in sociological and cultural enquiry but at a fundamental level concerning the nature of being. If we desire a healthy culture we must first alter our convictions. I personally rejected the Marxist theory underpinning the Abstract Expressionism that I was being taught many years ago; it has taken a life time to recognise that my sensibilities must be governed by a solid philosophical/spiritual belief system if I am to make art that has positive instrumentality. Due to this I now consider the ornamental to be the most profound, liberating and meaningful.

  9. I advise Hr.Scruton first to read Zeno, Plotinus, Origen, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Spencer etc, before speaking about art, science, religion and its interconnections. Why have proven bourgeois Anglo-Saxon philosophers to be stupid?

  10. everything that was written by people hundreds of years ago about the Jews is 'antisemitic', right?
    they can't be correct, can't they? too bad such an intelligent person is a cuck for his career and speaks half the truth
    he's not telling who is promoting the modern art and degenerate stuff

  11. 4:40 '..there was no one living in this part of the world, just then…' at least no one worth speaking of… (that we haven't since extinguished)…
    Neo-Cons of the world unite – Don't we all just love beauty and truth!

  12. ATT: Roger Scruton
    You could never imagine how deeply moved I'm by your speech and for your excellent TV documentary “Why Beauty Matters”..
    If I may say my point of view I believe Art has been always subordinated to the service of the Status Quo until the Impressionists rebel against and refuses to paint to glorify Empire (Monarchs, Church…). Then was when the Status Quo said: "If you do not want to glorify me I will destroy you" And so they did it. And so they do it.
    If it's not too much to ask, I wish you could clicked the link here & I am highly curious regarding your honest opinion about these works. If you do it I'll feel most privileged and profoundly grateful.
    I look forward most hopefully to hearing from you,
    Thank you, very much, for your kind attention Roger

  13. Good is predicated upon God. The Good or God shoots forth its creative Idea as the Light of Truth which, striking the magic Mirror of matter, shines with pleasure at representing that Truth in the many forms of Beauty. The lower man projects his own horrors on that same screen and suffers accordingly. Truth is Light, Beauty is Life and both are made One in Goodness, which is Love.
    "Wisdom perfects Art; Art perfects Nature, and Nature perfected is the Wise man's Stone."

  14. I like Roger Scruton and generally agree with what he says, but in this talk I would take exception with a few things. Satan a sympathetic figure in "Paradise Lost?" To each his own but I hardly saw him that way. And to use commercially driven Thomas Kincaid as a representative of sentimentality is grossly unfair and absurd. Try rather Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer or Doctor Dolittle. Now what says Scruton to these? I myself like them much better than Wagner or Puccini. And now that he mentions it, as far as most 19th and 20th century classical music generally, and aside perhaps for Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninoff, they are like Scruton's books of science, ordinarily good for one read, or in their case one listen, unlike say 18th century classical music, like Mozart, or the Baroque of such as Handel and Vivaldi; which we can stand hearing over and over and over again.

  15. I wonder if DW Griffith's film The Birth of a Nation can be "rescued" in the same way that Wagner's work was explained? I think the overt racism in that film was marginalized for many years, culminating in a DW Griffith award given for Hollywood films of technical excellence (Kubrick received one); but it was later withdrawn for its racist associations. The film glorifies the Ku Klux Klan and actually lead to a resurgence of membership and its attendant violence.

  16. In respect to the picture of Grünewald I would say that the picture of the crucifiction has to be related to the picture of the resurrected Christ by the same painter on the backside of the altar in order to understand the message.

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