Consciousness Videos

Rupert Sheldrake – Is The Sun Conscious?

Electric Universe UK

Recorded at Reconnect 2018 (7th July, Bath UK). Other talks from the same event available as video-on-demand here:

Speculative and thought provoking talk which asks us to look beyond the strict confines of scientific materialism and consider how the consciousness of stellar bodies (such as our Sun) is not only of anthropological or cultural interest but a valid field of enquiry in modern philosophy, psychology, cosmology, and neuroscience. Other talks from the same event available as video-on-demand here:


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34 thoughts on “Rupert Sheldrake – Is The Sun Conscious?
  1. It is more accurate to say the sun is consciousness like everything or everyone else. When we start talking god we are setting up a division in a oneness that can only exist as a distraction. This is the birthplace of confusion. Let the mystery be and let it be us and we will be well informed. Don't let science or religion get in the way of learning about the universe.

  2. This is the best talk I have seeing about consciousness ever, and I have seeing them all, Rupert Sheldrake, John Hagelin, among many others are the master of consciousness. Definitly the sun is life and conscious, from smallest to the biggest everything is life and conscious, and the creator is the universal consciousness presides over all, peace and love.

  3. If electrons have a consciousness and therefore the larger systems they are a part of have consciousness, then how to do we get to this distinction about human-made items like chairs not having consciousness? They are also made of electrons with consciousness.

  4. VERY very interesting……..
    why should it be so hard an idea to entertain ?
    funny how an excellent lecture can change how i look at life more than volumes of science works

  5. There is no Order without Consciousness. We are points of awareness, in a cooperation so to speak, particularly local, with The infinite universe of divine Consciousness/Source/Love.

  6. During sungazing the sun once told me she is pregnant. The planets were born/expelled from the sun one by one. Expanding planets that grow larger as they spiral outward in orbit around the sun. Once planets become gaseous giants they birth moons of their own. Sunspots/flares/CMEs are the suns failed attempts to produce significantly stable offspring.

  7. Come on now Rupert, we all must understand (if possible to do so), that the only truly conscious being that has ever existed in this universe, and ever will exist, is Richard Dawkins!

  8. if main stream science is right and all there was in the beginning was hydrogen and helium atoms… then those atoms must have contained the basis on consciousness. good show Rupert!

  9. Self organizing system, I like that concept. To me, it could also be seen as the manifestation of intention: "let there be light, and there was light".

  10. Next question : if silcon or other life types exist,(and carbon based is actually the rare life) would they have their own time frames, possibly long enough that we would never know they were alive from our perspective even though it would seem normal to them?

  11. The ancient culture already new this for thousands of year and to be honest this mans understanding will never grasp the true significance of what that feels as hisindoctrination is to strong to see the wood for the have to live with this as a inner reality or its just theory and thats gets you traveling in circles for ever.

  12. We are to the Sun like ants are to us….can ants communicate with us? I seriously doubt that. The level of consciousness difference is just too wast to do so.

  13. Ask a sungazer Rupert! The sciences of our day want to claim our cosmology – and other things – look no further! are settled……when indeed many theories taught as fact are being rapidly debunked; the apocalypse is now……..that sun behind you is computer graphics not a real image — if you want truth you must experience it , truth cannot be taught or calculated or even imagined Einstein !

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