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Samadhi Movie, 2017 – Part 1 – "Maya, the Illusion of the Self"


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50 thoughts on “Samadhi Movie, 2017 – Part 1 – "Maya, the Illusion of the Self"
  1. According to many schools of Hinduism, the world is an illusion, a play of the supreme consciousness of God. It is a projection of things and forms that are temporarily phenomenal and sustain the illusion of oneness and permanence. The illusion of phenomenal world is created and sustained by stand alone objects thrown together either by an act of randomness or through the deliberate choice of conscious will.

    From the human body to a giant galaxy, each object in the material universe is what it is because of the aggregation of things that sustain its current state. Change one of them and the object becomes something else in time and space. Thus what we experience as our world and what we consider to be our existence are real in a limited sense and limited perspective.

    Our scriptures declare that creation is the play of consciousness. It differentiates itself into diverse things and in the end withdraws everything into itself for no apparent and specific reason because God does nothing with any particular aim or desire. Says the Yoga Vashista, "The world is nothing but a mere vibration of consciousness in space. It seems to exist even as a goblin seems to exist in the eyes of the ignorant. All this is but Maya: for here there is no contradiction between the infinite consciousness and the apparent existence of the universe. It is like the marvelous dream of a person who is awake."1

    The meaning of Maya

    In an ordinary sense, the word 'maya' means, trickery, fraud or deceit. Magic, jugglery or witchcraft are different forms of illusion that distract and deceive the senses. The senses have the limited ability to perceive and discern truth, although we take them from granted and rely more on the appearances of things rather than the truth underlying them. In the spiritual parlance, maya means unreality, distinct from the reality represented by God or Brahman. God in His eternal and absolute aspect is pure consciousness and His creation is a mere formation within that consciousness. It exists so long as there is an experiencer distinct from the experience. Etymologically speaking, maya is that which arises from Prakriti (nature) or Pradhana (primal energy). 'Ma' means the source, the cause and 'ya' means that which proceeds, goes, walks or spreads out. Thus literally maya means that which issue forth, expands or arises from the source, 'ma', the universal mother. Maya is also described in the Hindu scriptures as the play (lila) of God enacted through his creative and dynamic energy or force (shakti). It is the web of deception weaved by the universal spider (Brahman) to envelop the worlds in delusion (moha).

    The nature of existence

    According to Hindu tenets, our existential and the objective reality with which our senses interact every moment and which we hold to be true, is either the deliberate projection of the primordial Nature or the mechanical movements of its blind force. Whether it is an independent and eternal entity or an aspect of God is a subject matter of speculation in various schools of Hinduism. However, most agree that Nature is the cause of all manifestation, either on its own or through the enfoldment of the Divine Will. 'Mathr', the universal mother, with its 'matra' (matter or material wealth), is the cause of all whirling and churning of the universe and the consciousness. She is also known as Prakriti, Nature or the field (kshetra), while God is described as the owner or occupier of the field (kshetrajna). She is the force behind all diversity, activity and movement that take place in the universe. Whether she is independent of God or dependent upon Him, we leave it presently to the mystics and scholars to debate.

    illusion means

    Illusion is appearance of things differently from what they are actually. It is part of our normal existence. We do not have to be spiritually inclined to notice it. For example, everything in the universe is in a constant motion, but we think as if we live in a stable world because we do not perceive the motion, unless we pay particular attention to the planets and the stars and the movement of time. The sky has no color. But to our eyes it appears as blue, because of the reflection of the light by the molecules in the air. This is an illusion, which we see everyday but do not acknowledge mentally unless we begin to think about it consciously. Even in the night we remember the sky to be blue! We consider the milk to be a white liquid. This is also an illusion, because in reality milk is a combination of several atoms and molecules that come together to give the appearance and taste of milk. The appearance of a person as a combination of the mind and the body is also an illusion, because man is more than the mere union of the two. A simple analysis of our perceptual experience establishes beyond doubt that the world is not what it appears to be and what we perceive through our senses is just a superficial reality. Science tries to go beyond the visible universe and unravel the truth hidden in the depths of matter. But at times it gets caught in the appearances of things and layers of complexity that is part of our analytical approach. Hindu scriptures remind us of this fact when they compare the world to an illusion. It is an illusion because it conceals truth and reveal itself differently each time we perceive it.

    Is the world really unreal?

    Hinduism considers the world to be false or unreal not in a physical sense but in an eternal and absolute sense. The world is an illusion not because it does not exist, but because it is not what it appears to be all the time. From an absolute perspective, the material universe is a temporary creation. It changes from moment to moment and is never the same. We cannot say we live in the same world each and every moment of our existence. The senses may take time to perceive the changes that happen in our environment, but change is what characterizes our world and our existence all the time. Duality and plurality are facts of life. Without them we cannot make sense of ourselves and our experiences.

    Our scriptures say that we should not be misled by this ordinary sensory experience of ours. We should pay particular attention to our perceptions and go beyond the appearance of things to know the truth. We can arrive at truth by understanding the various states of our consciousness. For example, when we are awake everything looks real. We can touch and feel things consciously. But in our dream state the world becomes different. Here we are vaguely aware of what is going on, but from an experiential point of view, do not know clearly whether what we experience in a dream is true or not. When we are in deep sleep and our senses are in a state of complete rest, the world almost disappears from the field of our experience. Here we do not experience any duality or plurality. We even lose the sense of self or the ego sense. Thus for a spiritually awakened person, who begins to comprehend the illusion of appearances, the material world presents itself as a stage in which things appear and disappear according to the state of our consciousness, awareness and inclination. When people are caught in the maze of things (samsara) and develop an attachment with them, they become vulnerable to ignorance and suffering.

    Why this is important for an individual? How does it matter whether the world is real or unreal? No one can dispute the fact that, at any given moment, the world in which we live is real. It does exist in some specific form and state, independent of whether we exist or not. It is real in the physical sense. It is also tangible to our senses. We experience its existence in innumerable ways in our minds and through our senses all the time. Right now at this very moment we are in a real world. We cannot say the world is an illusion, unless we have lost our minds literally. This does not mean it is not an illusion. This is the paradox, the real truth, to understand which we have to go deeper into ourselves to discover our true nature and the meaning of self-absorption.

    From a dreamer's perspective, a dream is real when he is in the state of dreaming. At least that is what we feel when a dream is actually enacting itself out in our consciousness. But what happens when you wake up from your sleep and the dream actually comes to an end? Was that dream real or just a projection of your mind? If it exists where is it now? Was it an illusion caused by a zillion neurons in your brain or a product of your astral travel? Similarly, what happens to the virtual reality we create in the internet space, when we disconnect the computer from the internet? We know that internet is a vast network of computers. But we are not sure whether what we see and interpret as internet is its essential form. May be a few years from now with different set of browsers, devices and technology we experience the same internet differently. Our world is not much different in in its essential aspect from the virtual reality we experience in the internet space. It exists but in a limited sense. It is a qualified state which perceived differently by different individuals or by the same individual at different times, relative to their awareness, state of mind and expectation.

  2. Excelente sua explanação!
    Gostaria de dar minha contribuição:
    Existem diversos níveis de Iluminação. Creio que Jesus foi o maior.
    Menos Ego implica Mais iluminação.
    Sintomas da Iluminação:
    1. Vazio interior inebriante.
    2. Imensa paz em todos os momentos.
    3. Intuição exacerbeda à ponto de algumas vezes ter a sensação de está lendo o pensamento da outra pessoa e até capitar espíritos.
    4. Felicidade suprema.
    5. Tudo na vida dar certo ou quase tudo.
    6. Alguns sonhos informam que a pessoa é um iluminada. As imagens e temas dos sonhos de noites distintas se concatenam como em um filme, informando que a pessoa é iluminada. Às vezes diz claramente em forma de intuição: "Você é iluminada".
    7. Sensação de expansão da consciência ou seja de não dualidade.
    8. Acesso com facilidade à informações inconscientes de toda a vida na terra.
    9. Sabedoria em forma de intuição.
    10. O mestre interior que chama-se SELF responde às nossas perguntas em forma de intuição. "Aladim e a lâmpada maravilhosa".
    11. Desinteresse pelas coisas mundanas.
    12. Facilidade em identificar os próprios defeitos e sublima-los.
    13. Abertura dos 7 chakras principais, mais a palma das mãos e sola dos pés. O corpo fica quente como se estivesse com febre.

  3. If I am able to librate my mind; then what's next? I am still here on Earth in my body. I am addictive to going to work in order to live. I often think of giving up electronics but, then where do I go, what do I do. I feel trapped. I know I can feel better. Meditation and religion have helped me change my inner world and I meditate often; sometimes for more than two hours at a time. But, I for some reason always come back to living in the world. Endlessly doing, always consuming. The only way I see to escape this world and its ways is to die. How can Samadhi be the cure if I have to come out of meditation in order to survive in this body?

  4. You cant claim to be awake if you have not made an effort to incorporate into your life the daily act of subduing pride and ego. In my practice of this I can say that I have learned compassion , it has taken me years And I cant say I'm enlightened , but I am awake. And to me it was the beginning of where the real work began.

  5. The resistance of becoming one with the true self is suffering. The true self is really you and the illusion is a result of the identity that is the negative conditioning you've become. — Duan T

  6. very nice video i am off to the next ,
    thanks for hosting at the samadhi center dan and tanya i am very happy to learn about your works in the area and am looking forward to another session in a couple months

  7. Namaste my soul recognizes your soul. I honor the love, the light, and beauty the truth and kindness within you because it is also within me. In sharing these things there is no distance and no difference between us. WE ARE NOW ONE!

  8. "Luminous emptiness shining out of a child's eyes" nonsense! I saw a beautiful soul seeking to give and receive love shining out of my children's eyes! Such a statement portrays dull and blind cynicism.

  9. Second time I watched this while on a high does of lsd and had an outter body experience . All I felt was the sensations of crying uncontrollably. My eyes were squeezed so I could see a constant flash of light , the air in my lungs fully pushed out from crying . All I felt was a cloud of sensation appearing in space . There was no center from which I seemed to be . It was just consciousness and it’s content . I think what’s caused the experience was pain and inspiration .

  10. Greetings: [ SANSKRIT ] Is The Languages, Of The 200 Angel's That Fell From Grace. Hindu Deity MixIn With The Reptilians Hindus Were Identified As [ CHERUBEEM ] and Classified As The Disagreeable [ AVATARS ]. Their Coming Down To Earth Is Recorded In The [ UPANISHADS ] They Came In Crafts Called [ Vimaanas ]. The Two Hundred Fallen Eloheem and The Hindu People Are Descendants Of Them . This Is The [ Original ] [ BLACK MAN ]. Holy Tables by [ Dr. Malachi Z.York ] Chapter Three The Scientist Table 3:52 Abyud Gadur!

  11. I watched this movie nearly three years ago. I can literally measure my life before and after this video happening. After this video, everything changed, and never went back. Thank you Daniel Schmidt. Thank you. Thank you.

  12. I am speechless…I can not tell you what seeing this has just done. I was just speaking to my aunt earlier about my confusion as to which I should follow. For I have been studying buddhism..native American ways the red road…raised in the Christian religion…questioning everything . Searching ever searching. But I just said to her that I felt that what ppl attributed to the devil or evil was our own subconscious mind. And that I wanted to let go of self and ego. Then this video popped up on my feed. My mind Is vibrating…..🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤

  13. I come from consciousness i am consciousness i have no birth no death. I AM.

  14. Maya, (Sanskrit: “magic” or “illusion”) a fundamental concept in Hindu philosophy, notably in the Advaita (Nondualist) school of Vedanta. Maya originally denoted the magic power with which a god can make human beings believe in what turns out to be an illusion. What did Einstein mean when he said "reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"? It means your version of reality is just your way of perceiving things. It has nothing to do with the actual truth. For you time is absolute. The Mechanics of the Maya, understanding them, is a lifes work – It doesn't matter how much our lives are governed by the same seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks, regardless of where we live on the globe, time will never be absolute. The rate at which it passes depends entirely on your speed and acceleration at any given moment.
    The Self, is the only reality , you can know. For many, it is the Not-Self, and the Not-Self World (Maya), that they will ever know…The Nature of Reality is governed by the biological imperative, which is itself, governed by cosmological forces of the juxtaposition of QM and Relativity (atomics) – Emergence… Consciousness 'emerges' from life yet, Life 'emerges' from the 'lifeless' components of molecular intracellular structures? What is Form Principle? Socrates believed that the beginning of wisdom was knowing that you knew nothing; that much of what passed for knowledge among “wise” men were their own unexamined assumptions. So it is on Youtube. As Mark Twain once said, “If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.” We might consider particularly those details of the trees that are important in giving rise to the behavior of the forest. "Being incorrect (Not-Self), leads to nothing other than resistance in this life. It’s all about resistance. We’re objects moving in space. We tend not to recognize that. We are a form principle, and when a form principle is moving in space, if it’s meeting resistance, it begins to deteriorate. Whether that’s psychic or physical, the deterioration just adds to the discomfort of being here." – Ra Uru Hu

  15. I agree 100% I heard the same info from another teacher the soul want to escape but the body which is temporary want to stay here because it needs to survive and that comes with a price in the physical world sacrifices has to be made everyday and this is what tearing you apart

  16. I find that the simple act of quieting and stilling the mind, emotions, body, in for example "mindfulness meditation" or "walking meditation" or "yoga nidra" can indeed lead to samadhi AS IT IS DESCRIBED in this video. Watch the video but also put it into action (or non-action) by stopping everything and BE STILL. Be consistent. This truth is always present. Practice always! May you find that infinite compassion that resides in the heart of all things!!

  17. Goes to plant fruit trees for the community
    Local council rips them all out

    Hmm. I guess i'll stare at the ceiling or play a videogame. Probably better to have fun with a camera though

  18. I only want to ask for your promise to take U down the road that I was exposed to. Would you dare to travel the road that I was exposed to??? If so contact me I'll give you the sample truth of the ALL's! exselorater into the unknown beast of human suffering from the human it's self

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