Consciousness Videos

Satsang 6 of 24 – Consciousness Is The Absolute Reality That Perceives

Francis Lucille

2015-03-29 Dialogue


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2 thoughts on “Satsang 6 of 24 – Consciousness Is The Absolute Reality That Perceives
  1. It may be easier to start with being, namely the feeling of pure being unattached to any object and notice that it's awareness of pure being and can be defined as pure awareness. Since there's no way to intrinsically distinguish them, two separate experiences of pure being or awareness must be identical. Therefore there is ever only one such experience and pure awareness is unique. Being is real and reality encompasses the totality of the real by definition. Therefore awareness is universal.

  2. Very nice.

    Just trying to understand, if everything 'material' exists within this cosmic consciousness, what is the purpose/necessity of consciousness needing our biological makeup to become self realised?
    i.e. If non-sentient objects exist within an all pervading consciousness, items that are not 'aware' or conscious, how does this link back together with biology.

    I imagine the purpose of the self within natural selection allows for survival. So ego promotes natural selection and self realisation (in the long run).
    Would this suppose that everything in our reality, including the laws of nature/universe, emerge from a primordial soup of awareness/consciousness that also defines these laws?

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