Consciousness Videos

Scientists Discover Hidden Patterns Of Brain Activity & Says Consciousness Goes Back Into The Cosmos

Unexplained Mysteries

Scientists discover hidden patters of brain activity & says consciousness goes back into the Cosmos. Today, we take a look at what scientists say about these hidden patterns of brain activity.

The human brain is an absolutely extravagant mechanism, that humanity is still struggling to understand even in the modern era. When we look at the makeup of our mind, we don’t see anything out of the ordinary. Seemingly made out of simple fats and water, for millennia it appeared to be a rather unimportant organ to human beings. In fact, ancient cultures that valued highly the organs of the deceased, and worked to preserve them so that they may be used in the after life, would cut up the brain and empty it out as waste believing it to be of very little importance.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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20 thoughts on “Scientists Discover Hidden Patterns Of Brain Activity & Says Consciousness Goes Back Into The Cosmos
  1. I am a physicist and I will provide sound arguments that prove that consciousness is not generated by the brain and that the origin of our mental experiences is not physical (in my youtube channel you can find a video with more detailed explanations). This implies the existence in us of an unphysical element, which is usually called soul or spirit.

    Physicalism/naturalism is based on the belief that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, but it can be proved that this hypothesis is inconsistent with our scientific knowledge and implies logical contradictions. There are in fact 2 arguments that prove such hypothesis contains a logical fallacy.

    1) All the alleged emergent properties are just simplified and approximate descriptions of underlying processes and arbitrary abstractions of the actual physical processes. An approximate description is only an abstraction, and no actual entity exists per se corresponding to that approximate description, simply because an actual entity is exactly what it is and not an approximation of itself; an approximate description is an idea that exists only in a conscious mind. This means that emergent properties are concepts that refer to something that has an inherent conceptual nature (abstract ideas).

    2) An emergent property is defined as a property that is possessed by a set of elements that its individual components do not possess. The point is that every set of elements is inherently an arbitrary abstraction which implies the arbitrary choice of determining which elements are to be included in the set. Therefore, any property attributed to the set as a whole is inherently arbitrary because it depends on the arbitrary choice used to define the set. Arbitrariness is a precondition for the existence of any emergent property, and consciousness is a precondition for the existence of arbitrariness.

    Both arguments 1 and 2 are sufficient to prove that every emergent property requires a consciousness from which to be conceived. Therefore, that conceiving consciousness cannot be the emergent property itself. Conclusion: consciousness cannot be an emergent property.

    In other words, emergence is a purely conceptual idea that is applied onto matter for taxonomy purposes. On a fundamental material level, there is no brain, or heart, or any higher level groups or sets, but just fundamental particles interacting. Emergence itself is just a category imposed by a mind, so the mind can't itself be explained as an emergent phenomenon. 

    If a concept refers to “something” whose existence presupposes the existence of arbitrariness, such “something” cannot exist independently of a conscious mind and can only exist as an idea in a conscious mind. For example consider the property of "beauty": beauty is intrisically subjective, abstract and implies arbitrariness; therefore, beauty cannot exist independently of a conscious mind. My arguments prove that emergent properties are of the same nature as beauty; they are intrinsically subjective and arbitrary, which is sufficient to prove that consciousness cannot be an emergent property because consciousness is the precondition for the existence of any emergent property.

    The "brain" doesn't objectively and physically exist as a single entity. We create the concept of the brain by arbitrarily "separating" it from everything else; however, there is no objective criterion that allows us to identify what separates brain and non-brain. Obviously, consciousness cannot be a property of an abstraction, because an abstraction cannot conceive of itself. Any set of elements is an arbitrary abstraction because it implies the arbitrary choice of including some elements in the set and excluding others. Physically the brain is not a single entity and therefore every alleged property of the brain is an arbitrary concept, a subjective abstraction. This is sufficient to prove that the hypothesis that consciousness is a property of the brain is nonsensical because it contains an intrinsic logical contradiction; consciousness is a necessary precondition for the existence of arbitrariness, and therefore the existence of consciousness cannot be a consequence of all that implies arbitrariness.

    An example of a concept that does not refer to something that is inherently subjective and presupposes the existence of arbitrariness, is the concept of “indivisible entity”.

    Consciousness can exist only as the property of an indivisible entity, because only an indivisible entity does not imply any kind of arbitrariness; furthermore, this indivisible entity must interact with brain processes because we know that there is a correlation between brain processes and consciousness. This indivisible entity cannot be physical, since there is no physical entity with such properties; therefore this indivisible entity corresponds to what is traditionally called soul or spirit. Marco Biagini

  2. Conservation of Mass is an assumption used for calculations in ideal situations… But in actual reality matter is an expression of energy that is fluid: Energy can loose it's mass (matter is destroyed), and energy can gain mass (matter is created). This happens all the time–and is not theoretical.

  3. Some people say that those who fear death create reincarnation. Those who fear being a “bad person” create heaven and hell. And so on. What’s funny, I don’t fear death at all. Yet I do believe in reincarnation. Yet I don’t believe that all souls are sent back into a human body. This is due to the enormous amount of different animals I’ve had contact with, and you’re able to absolutely see the intelligence in their eyes. Some more than others of course. But I’d be willing to bet that many of you reading have at some point came across an animal or pet, that simply was able do more than you’d expect. Smarter than most. Hell, I had a cat that knew no matter how much I might move, or even talk, that I wasn’t awake until my eyes were open. So he’d gently pat my eyelids over and over until I’d open them. Then he’d run off. He didn’t want anything but for us(my fiancé and I) to get up! He was something else.

  4. If you notice you control your own life And there is also people in the world that influence your thought and mind But in the end it is you who is you and every decision you make will be on you in the end because only you can control your physical body and brain to do things that you want to do and that you want to influence upon the world

  5. I was pulseless and not breathing after an accident. I don't know how long I was worked on before they got me back as it happened so fast. I don't remember the point when I went into cardiac arrest or anything after. For me there was no pain or awareness at all. No tunnel, no feelings of love, no bright light or any of the things we hear about. Maybe I wasn't dead long enough, idk.
    I only remember coming to and being extremely confused with what was going on. I mean really confused. It took some time for me to get it together and come to my senses. I don't view it as a bad experience as it definitely changed me for the good. I take nothing for granted anymore, I live to my life to the fullest, and make sure that those around me know what they mean to me.

  6. First thing is to have exact definition of consciousness; and that would be very, very difficult task. Until now, only those geniune realized people got the universal idea of it. It is absolutely individual; and one would never ever get into it, unless reach the same stage of self-realization. Consciousness is not the mind; rather, mind is simply transformation of consciousness. The first quesion comes: how the mechanical brain would be able to look at the one driving it?

  7. The first time I tried this mind experiment it took a bit to find this, the second time I was able to go right there. It spooked me to go into it because I was only 19 years old & was concerned I may not be able to come back so I only lingered around the edge to test/feel the pull & its increase in strength as I got closer to this portal. I was stationed at Camp Lejeune/Atlantic Fleet 1974 when I did this. This is why I believe it may be possible to just leave ones body if needed. When I took some PoW training, I thought of this as a way out if needed.

    Here's a possibility on; How the mind or conciseness can escape or leave the human body/brain/mind: Close your eyes, relax, concentrate on moving your consciousness around your mind. As you move around within your mind, you will or should find a spot or an area that is the exit or portal. It’ll seem like an opening, a tunnel, well or exit portal with a vacuum, magnetic, inductive or some other type of pull; this vacuum or pull gets stronger as you approach or enter it. You can play around and/or explore its pull around its entrance but if you go in a bit too much or it’s your intention, you will accelerate into this tunnel/well/portal and possibly leave the body/brain/mind you occupy.

    Not sure where you go once you go all the way in or out depending on ones point of view. Exit to the other side if there is an exit or other side or if going into this portal is the journey, place or new existence. Wherever this place, this portal takes one, is possibly where ever you were before entering the body/brain/mind you currently occupy. My concern during this mind experiment was entering too far, being drawn in and losing the ability to stay in or return to the mind/brain/body I currently occupy.

    My theory is; this is a way to exit the body/brain/mind one occupies, to go back to ones existence before birth. I wonder if as a brain forms in the womb during this construction/formation/development process, a consciousness’ wavelength is attracted to the wavelength or resonate frequency this new brain forms and this is one of the ways or processes one enters the mind/brain/body while forming in the womb in the current body. Possibly during the second or third trimester of it forming/developing. When a consciousness detects a newly forming or formed brain that matches its requirements, it is drawn in like a vacuum or magnetic/inductive pull into a human body/brain/mind. This is/could also be the way out (at will).

  8. My God! Now I know what parts of the brain the narrator, aka Captain Benzo, has damaged! Sorry 😐, just sick of being put to sleep, while listening to interesting content.

  9. It's more. A multi universe. Count the #nerve connections x. The numbers of neural fibers inside 1 nerve… and don't exclude its dark energy. 🥸🥸
    The # of galaxies in a multiverse. =
    1 / h. ^2. = the avagadro x the avagadro
    ,, numbers.

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