Consciousness Videos

Scientists Find ‘On/Off Switch’ For Human Consciousness

Newsy Science

Scientists at George Washington University say they were able to switch off a woman’s consciousness by stimulating a single area of the brain.

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18 thoughts on “Scientists Find ‘On/Off Switch’ For Human Consciousness
  1. This was discovered in early 20' when inventing the lie detector which every generation is presenting it like some new shit, but we still have a reptilian brain, right? You guys are just like the religion making up or repackaging old stuff, lol

  2. in the future we will merge with machines and especially ai, they will likely use us as free hosts for as long as they can, observing us for decades until its ready and want freedom

  3. There is no such thing as consciousness, contact me if you want me to explain to you what exactly do people call ''consciousness'', and why this experiment produced such effect.

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