Consciousness Videos

Sean Carroll – What are Observers?

Closer To Truth – Physics of the Observer

Why is an observer a critical part of quantum physics? What does it mean to be an observer? Does the act of observation affect what exists and what happens in the external world?

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20 thoughts on “Sean Carroll – What are Observers?
  1. Dr. Carroll I have a question… How can the cosmic microwave background lie before the observable Universe. And how come what appears as the cosmic microwave background be actually from the time of the Big Bang when some galaxies have receded beyond the observable Universe.#seancarroll please do your avid followers a favour and explain.

  2. What is so complicated and mysterious about the fact that in order to measure something, at some level you have to bump into it, and that if your system is delicate enough then there is no way to bump into it without ruining the measurement? Quantum tunneling, now that's mysterious. Collapse of the wave function? Why is that mysterious? Am I missing something?

  3. Bohr admitted being a SOLIPSISTIC IDEALIST: he was sure of only HIS OWN existence, and he thought that reality occurs in the MIND–hence, the OBSERVER assertion. However, his ONE-SIDED view FAILS to account for the equally important philosophical REALISM: reality occurs in the WORLD. Moreover, the FACT that this universe existed for a long time BEFORE any observers arose PROVES that QM's OBSERVER FIXATION is WRONG. Sean Caroll's equating OBSERVING with INTERACTING amounts to grasping at straws because rocks lack the the INTENTIONALITY required to MEASURE and thus cause the alleged collapse of the wave function to a particle. Ultimately, QM's weirdness stems from the fact that we currently can account for only 4% of the physical universe. When we develop the technology to detect 100% of the universe, we will realize that the current QM weirdness is akin to the weirdness confronting our ancestors who couldn't understand the previous natural strange phenomena (eclipses, bacterial infections, etc) that scientists have since clarified. Everybody interested in philosophical, literary sci-fi must check out my work:

  4. Had this idea when learned that we (the humans) in fact emit the visible light, albeit non detectable with our eyes, where the sensitive enough a camera to detect it would be placed in a total darkness and the image projected on a monitor, ta-da, the observer and the observed are one, literally.

  5. When he said he's heard people claim that 'god is the outside observer' is something that people say when they dont really understand quantum mechanics (who the hell does? Not me, for sure) and are misunderstanding the language used to describe the theory.

  6. Carroll tends to misconstrue things a bit. The Many-Worlds is not even a theory or a hypothesis because it is not falsifiable or testable. It's just a conjecture. The experiments are in favor of Copenhagen and acosmism. Non-material reality doesn't exist independently of an immaterial observer. And as for rocks being "observers"–that plain hylozoism tale of the pantheists is silly. Organic compounds are non-living things. It seems Carroll is arguing for the primacy of existence rather than the primacy of consciousness, but didn't Zeilinger's experiments in 2007 falsify the Leggett's inequality thereby making material reality non-objective?

  7. 'observer' was always my beef w qm from the word go. The term 'consciousness' breaks down so quickly– even at a microscopic level, let alone a quantum one– that what could be considered observation could be essentially limitless.

  8. ean carroll is on this list: Gabriel Vacariu (July 2018 – 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE similarities between the ideas of some people (2011-2016) and my ideas (2002-2008) in physics (quantum mechanics, cosmology), cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy at

    If you (everyone) do not take ATTITUDE against PLAGIARISM, the international academic environment will be full of THIEVES!!! it will become CORRUPTED as Romanian government and MAFIA-psd party in Romania (situated in Europe)! I HAVE SENT THE MANUSCRIPT WITH UNBELIEVABLE SIMILAR IDEAS TO THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE (PHYSICS, COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY IN THE LAST FOUR YEARS!!! However, more and more people have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas. Statistically, it would be quite impossible two persons to discover the EDWs in the same century. However, there are more than 40 (that I have discovered until now) who have “discovered” the EDWs in the last FIVE-SIX years!!! IMPOSSIBLE !!!

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