Consciousness Videos

Secrets of Consciousness, Third Eye, Ancient History, The Constructs Behind Reality

Matthew LaCroix

I am joined by Paula Flint as we discuss the constructs behind reality, consciousness, intuition, and the secrets of ancient history. What is guiding our actions and path here and are we part of a higher plan? The decisions we make in life can have important implications for reality and the timeline itself. From raising our vibration and activating the dormant third eye, to sifting through the truth of evolution and history, we leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of answers.

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Special thanks to Paula Flint and the Conscious Consumer Network:

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24 thoughts on “Secrets of Consciousness, Third Eye, Ancient History, The Constructs Behind Reality
  1. At 59:00 that is what I have struggled with, I am 43 and at 25 diagnosed with ADHD, I know after all these years how it makes me feel. I play the game of the working class, but I have learned to balance my consumption of it. I dont want to take it everyday, but know I have to survive physically in this matrix and provide for my family, but my greatest ideas come when I dont take it, but I have learned to beat the system and with these great ideas and I need to structure a plan I then take the poison just to focus on the one thing. @MathewLacroix that was the truest thing I have heard, I have bought both your books and listen to all your YouTube videos on my commute to work. I have always known I was different, didnt conform to society, didnt make the good grades, but was intelligent and surprisingly become a threat to my bosses at times when my ideas rival theirs. But over the last 3 years I have learned to play the game. I love all this information, thank you for all you do!

  2. I do think that They/TPTB are laying the mind control heavily for this generation through cell phones as I see them as the tool to keeping humans from ascending and accepting something like Elon Musk is developing, and everything else discussed.

  3. You are quite the inspiration young man… my life is a bit parallel to Paula’s, maybe a bit younger, but I also can’t stop learning, reading, exploring, and seeking! I have often said that every generation is being born with their eyes wide open the closer we get to Truth…. Knowledge without experience is just an intellectual exercise…. and experience without knowledge can lead to confusion or poor choices…. so balance between the two are essential including experiencing the emotional flow…. I loved reading your book and I hope you know that you are not alone… my favorite scientist Greg Braden has studied deeply into the Essene mysteries in Tibetan sanctuary’s…. and insists we don’t have to fall into the creation stories we’ve been told!!! ❣️❤️❣️

  4. I dont believe fluoride strengthens enamel I still got a shit load of cavities when I was a kid and used it all the time. Then the dentist just gave up on it and didnt recommended it anymore. But I'm also not sure about clarifying the pineal gland or if it's a neurotoxin.

  5. It just goes to show… no matter how high quality the guest/guest speaker may be on a program, if the interviewer is not up to task… the subject matter tends to cycle needlessly… and, for whatever reason (as the reason(s) for this continues to elude me..) subject matters tend to be hijacked by incessant/repetitive attempts by this version of.. “interviewer”… stagnating the conversation with unwarranted/unnecessary personal details about… said interviewers… over.. and over again…

    There are many like this..
    And why they continue to behave this way- is beyond me…
    It would be one thing if they were at least.. entertaining.. or- adding to the conversation.

    But- they’re not. (At best: seldom are)

    So- … it isn’t.

  6. Waking up is such an ambiguous phrase, Most people are not waking up, they only wake up to controlled opposition, new age disinfo, or what ever online media, news stories, indoctrination methods are going around, the real waking up, studying ancient texts, rejecting meat and dairy, rejecting vaccines, searching for truth, not living through the ego or sexual drive, very few are doing this, most don't know we are energy beings, they mimic ancient shamanism, to the point of not thinking it all through, no not many are waking up at all.

  7. They realised fear locks us in a lower vibration mentality,there for keeping us locked, fear is a powerful very powerful tool, stops one raising there vibration, and thinking for oneself,therefore one can’t seems to rise above it, but one has the ability to become fearless and approach our trials and tribulations in a very different way,more like being in control of ones destiny great show Mathew thankyou x

  8. I've gone to Hawaii several times and that's ( out of the few places I've been to) the only place I can say with confidence I've felt connected and one with earth. The feeling I experienced was life changing for me. Thank you to my higher power for putting you in my path Matt. I've learned so much since reading your book and listening to your videos.

  9. The WingMakers travelled back in time to leave their ancestors, us a very powerful message – " As much as humans are enslaved we have come back to let you know that in the end we all become free sovereign Beings. You are all equal creator gods who do not need teachers or gurus as you have all the wisdom and insight you need within you. " Here is a memo by the Director of the ACIO an unacknowledged division of the NSA in the US regarding the values and wishes of the WingMakers –

  10. Being attacked everyday. I would suggest it is better to not assume that people have the same level of capabilities to pass this information on. Remember that it is also up to each individual to wake up and smell the roses so to speak. To find truth of their own volition and efforts. Mankind agreed to to the slave mentality and it is Mankind in individuated form that must do the footwork to discovering their Authentic Self.

  11. Hey Matthew good interview and awesome content on your channel. I would love to buy your books and talk about them on my own channel someday. Here's just one minor thought in answer to you saying we should share our knowledge and wisdom with people, ie. "Go back into the cave"… I have been on this path all my life dealing with negative entities which has caused me to abruptly wake up but it was more like sleeping in a boat in the ocean to all of a sudden being thrashed about by the storm and winds. I have not had time to get my bearings even this day because the dark forces have completely taken over my life at this point. I have a strong desire to change the world with my part but I'm being attac

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