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7 thoughts on “SEMANTICS-11: Theories of Concepts (2)
  1. Dear Sir
    As you have said there are problems in the prototype theory regarding the inclusion of penguin into a 'bird category' or 'animals that swim', how can that theory solve the problem of fuzziness and asymmetry?
    I would be highly privileged if you give me an answer.
    Saji Krishna Pillai

  2. Regarding the classical theory, if some elements belonging to a word-set do not validate each given characteristic it doesn't mean that using characteristics is a bad way of defining a word, it simply means that the characteristics were not chosen wisely in the first place. In your example, "able to fly" should never have been a characteristic for bird in the first place. Moreover, in the prototypes theory, what determines wether an element is closely or loosely related to an exemplar are still characteristics/conditions. Thus, the Prototypes theory doesn't solve a problem, it just blends it into some rigor-lacking ideas. Also bats are most defenitely not birds.

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