
Sherlock Is Garbage, And Here's Why

Why is Sherlock so bad? Harris Bomberguy is on the case!
This version of the video has been slightly edited to get around the BBC’s automatic video-blocking stuff.

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Written by Harris Bomberguy and Sara Ghaleb
Voiced + Edited by Harris Bomberguy

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25 thoughts on “Sherlock Is Garbage, And Here's Why
  1. 37:09 I like this point. It works for House since he's a doctor and we're not. Mystery stories are fun for amateurs to work on their own. It's just not fair. In a medical show it helps establish House's expertise and it makes it all the better when another character finds the disease.

  2. I personally really liked Sherlock. Maybe my opinion counts for less as I'm a fifth generation American of Irish and German/Polish descent and not a British person, but I liked it. If I wanna watch something episodic, I'll watch…I dunno, Star Trek TNG. There's a reason it's my second favorite Trek series despite having three of my ten favorite Trek episodes of all time. I prefer an overarching story in something that follows a set cast of characters. There can be standalone episodes, but too many is too many, y'know?

  3. I respect your opinion but it’s really annoying when you act like you are spreading the truth. There are a lot of people who like Sherlock so respect their opinion like I’m trying to respect yours.

  4. I spent my formative years on Livejournal instead of tumblr. I remember when ASIB came out in 2012 and us older ladies were like "it's homophobic, misogynist sh*t". But we could barely hear each other over the screaming "IRENE IS PERFECT AND JOHN ACKNOWLEDGES HE'S GAY" tumblr teens.
    Your vid is sweet, late satisfaction.

  5. I was talking shit in this comment section and clicked off of this video after disliking only because I liked the show for the most part and was annoyed about this, then I clicked on it again a while later and watched the conclusion section. After hearing him finally giving a little bit of constructive criticism instead of formlessly ranting on, I am now very satisfied and I respect his opinion to the fullest. The show isn’t the most perfect (far from it) but it’s just something about the show I love and would love to see in other shows, but I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe it’s the antique feel mixed with modern vibes.

  6. I couldn't even watch season 4 episode 2 and 3, I tried wrapping my head around it and I just couldn't do it, I couldn't make sense of anything that was happening. I literally almost had a panic attack because of it

  7. A lot of these criticisms are aimed at things that were equally as unresolved in the original literature, and I maintain my opinion that Sherlock (the character, the book, the show) was never about the deductions or the action, or even the plot—it was about a man and his story.

  8. I love it when little bitches like this rant and whine about famous shows, anyone who agrees with this pillock needs to get over themselves, it's an entertaining drama show, get over it

  9. I hate and love this because I really liked Sherlock before I watched this for the first time but now I can't watch it without realising how stupid it is

  10. Also, as someone on tumblr pointed out, you can have a character demonstrate intelligence while still keeping the audience in the know. You can just have the character have relevant knowledge on hand and think faster than other characters, but still explain their thinking as they’re doing it. Basically, your character is only as smart as you are, but you can make them smarter by having them just know things that you had to look up, and a problem that took you 3 months to solve can only take them 3 minutes.

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