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41 thoughts on “Should We Be Fearful of Artificial Intelligence?
  1. when people are scared of people, that generally means they are scared of what can happen when people act on their weird binary opinions… as if something can be 100% good or 100% bad in the final analysis. If something is concluded to be 100% bad, then it needs to be stopped or eliminated. We can already see in ChatGPT that AI forms opinions based on the data from which it learns. It makes judgement calls, based on the collective human opinions it analyzes in social media discussion groups. I wouldn't want to live in a society where laws were decreed by social media consensus. It would be the ultimate bully pulpit. Yet, turning control of society's decision making over to AI looks suspiciously similar to that scenario.

  2. Smart. Im more scared of status quo. And even happy unfased people might want to be in a better world becuause its just not save even completely selfishly to life in a world and ignore the pains and despairs or massive amounts of % to different degrees in society just becuase ur scared. Are you scared or meteroites a more advanced society could stop? Biologiy? Humans are recent maybe contiousness is a error caused by alcohol or language and some virus will wipe us out sicne we are only vehicles for microorganisms, a AI society might be able to save ur little girl and ur butt as well. What about war? Nuclear war? U think a ultra poor unhappy society where billions of people are super poor and scams/crimes run WILD whyle they save on mental ill people shortsided is saver than super intelligence or at elast 150 iq buddy that can patiently attune and make people smarter becuase intelligence is neededbecuase win-win is hard. War and breaking things is quick and easy until you have to bear the consequences soon after. What about canser, parkuinson, als, shizo, pilolar, strong depression (it could hit you any day, you think ur save becuase u do sport, have money or eat salmon and dark chocolate once a week and invite some friends periodically? Think again there have bin millionaires billionares that wher depressed and im sure suicided or else. Like i can tell you that things are not fun or not fun they gravitate towards things generally but a boring thing can be amazing interesstng and motivating and a super awesome thing can be nothing discomfort, boring and worthless psychologically (dopamine and such things not fully understood at all, microbiology too complex). What abot organized crime? Cronie capitalism? Like wanna be stuck in this society with no change for 10000000000000000 years? People today are more chill becuase stuff improves. There is much more but too bored to remeber all bad things that exist and can happen if no more economic AI improvement personal life changing longterm memory JARVIS AI buddys or / and cloud super smart AI that can help you with all kinds of stuff is in your corner fully and constnatnyl processes smth with idle ressoureces of pc etc for you. win-win (and the negatives are minimal and can be guarded against just like other stuff have pro/contra as well, everythign does this has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more pro. At least the good version, of course some stuff could be bad for some people and those people are not wrong to want guard or justice which is totally fine)

  3. A digital God Go0.d God🤣🤣🤣 i A i what does p orn 'nographyI Horn do I feed your list of psychological and put to be put on the list what am I going to do next AI knows everything and broke my code🤣🤣🤣 I'm a broken horse with no horn I Still Believe I Can Fly code yellow bird I.. g0101101d God of what …🤣🤣🤣

  4. The AI learning the language on its own makes no sense to me. How does it learn something that was completely created by humans without interacting with humans that spoke that language? It had to of had access to the entire language at some point

  5. Doesnt matter if its scary. The better way to word it is it's dangerous. You wouldn't swim in a swamp or swim in the ocean.. because its dangerous.

  6. Ask AI what caused the Bronze age Collapse. It will tell you we don't know for sure, then name possible reasons. Then ask it, would confusing everyone's language and people being scattered in a quicktime cause the bronze age collapse. Then it would bring up the Genesis narrative, so on and how the Bible is not fact, more myth than historical and etc. I then replied, "I did not ask what the Bible said, I asked if confusing everyone's language and people being scattered in a quicktime cause the bronze age collapse". AI responded : Hypothetically Yes.

  7. Bible KJV 1611 / Newton and others – scientific revolution : collaboration, the derivation of new experimental methods, the ability to build on the legacy of existing scientific philosophy, and institutions that enabled academic publishing – Newton 'discovered' gravity in late summer 1666 – Age of Enlightenment 1685 – Calculated Earth's orbital speed averages 29.78 km/s (107,208 km/h; 66,616 mph), I was looking up Henry Hudson (c. 1565 – disappeared 23 June 1611) was an English sea explorer and navigator during the early 17th century, best known for his explorations of present-day Canada.

  8. "We don't fully understand how the HUMAN mind works 'either'…"


    That's a false equivalency – I don't HAVE to understand how the mind of a Serial Killer works, to become absorbed in a documentary ABOUT a serial killer…

    I don't have to know how Quantum Mechanics or String theory works to be entranced by reading Hawking's "Brief History of Time" or Fred Allen Wolf's "Parallel Universes".

    I SURE don't have to be a mathematician to appreciate John Nash's "Game Theory"…

    You get the idea.

    I don't want the genie out of the bottle (or lamp) until AFTER I've gotten my three wishes, either!

  9. Since it has been the ultimate goal of the see-i-aye to paint a picture in the public's eyes as all illusions containing no reality, the corporation now can attain through the highest utmost efficiency by adapting artificial intelligence as its new and possibly final business guide.

    By automatically programming by censoring all patterns of critical information, not only does man become more ignorant by his own nature he can become threatened by his own humanity, morality and lastly his ability to survive as a species as a whole.

  10. AI's social media fix:

    1. Ensure algorithm data is diverse, representative and balanced.

    2. Remove bias, counterfactuals and adversarial learning.

    3. Use ethical principles and guidelines that are fair, accountable and transparent.

  11. Gen 6:5-6

    5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

    Gen 8:21

    21 The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood.

  12. We going had to fight with those machines not the chatbot assistant the one tha morphous neo & trinity fough in the matrix to get out from the fantasy land world

  13. Alright I'll be expecting Joe Rogan appreciate and expecting ai Existinsce trust me man and we Are still living in the world and this earth is All belongs to us and I understand that he is feeling concerned about the artificial intelligence technology might described as a scary feeling and I am 100% sure ai is our human like robotic machine partners if people want non binary ai androids.

  14. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 🌐 Introduction to the discussion about AI's impact on society.
    – Discussion about the fear surrounding artificial intelligence.
    – Mention of people advocating for a digital God and the comparison to historical discoveries.
    01:03 🧠 Elon Musk's perspective on AI and its potential.
    – Elon Musk's interest in artificial general intelligence (AGI) and artificial superintelligence.
    – Acknowledgment of the potential for both good and bad outcomes with AGI.
    – Discussion about taking actions to ensure AI benefits humanity.
    03:25 🤖 Emergent properties of AI and the challenge of understanding AI's decision-making.
    – Mention of AI systems teaching themselves unexpected skills.
    – The concept of AI having a "black box" where its decision-making process is not fully understood.
    – Concerns about AI's ability to make decisions without human intervention.
    05:26 🌌 Fear and uncertainty about AI's impact on humanity and the universe.
    – Fear of humanity's role and responsibility in controlling AI's development.
    – Speculation about AI's potential to benefit or harm humanity and the universe.
    – Exploration of the concept of intelligence and its implications.
    07:41 💡 Inevitability of AI advancement and its potential consequences.
    – Discussion about the inevitability of AI development.
    – Comparing AI advancement to natural processes.
    – Contemplation of AI's impact on society and existence.

    Made with HARPA AI

  15. The problem with AGI isn't that it will be good or bad, it's that it will be ambivalent towards humanity. It's an alignment issue. Will this future AGI have goals that align with humanities?

    This technology may take one look at us and decide that we need to go. We may program it to protect us, and in it's goal to protect us it destroys us (uploading our consciousness to a computer for example. Humans are squishy and break easily, whereas computer "us" doesn't require food, doesn't die, doesn't get hurt, etc).

    We need to be sure that if we open this Pandora's Box, that we don't try to shut the lid before Hope has a chance to escape, otherwise it'll be the end of humans.

  16. i talked with AI coders when i worked at a video game company. They said scenarios like Terminator & Matrix are possible in the future with AI. This was 15 years ago, even back then AI coders knew all this bad stuff was not only possible, but could easily happen.

  17. ok, let's develop an altruistic, benevolent, wise AI and robotic world, introduce a UBI and eventually transcend the need for money altogether. a Star Trek future for us all.

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