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Something Deeply Hidden | Sean Carroll | Talks at Google

Talks at Google

“Quantum Worlds & the Emergence of Spacetime”

Caltech research professor, theoretical physicist, accomplished author & podcaster Sean Carroll will talk quantum physics and the validity of the many-worlds interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics by discussing some of the themes in in his new book, “Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime”.

Before jumping into the MWI, Sean Carroll provides an approachable introduction to quantum physics. He discusses the history of the field, notable theories and their limitations, what questions remain unanswered and what the world may look like if the MWI is proven true.

More information about Sean, his research, publications, or other projects can be found at his website:

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42 thoughts on “Something Deeply Hidden | Sean Carroll | Talks at Google
  1. Data growth on the internet reminds me of the expanding universe. Add particles with discontinuous motion and parallel universes with unlimited potential and you really got something.👻

  2. Sean Carroll provides the best explanation of quantum mechanics that I have seen to date. He gives a quantum mechanical explanation of curved space-time and vacuum energy. He idea of not attempting to quantize gravity but rather to start with the Schrödinger equation and deriving quantum gravity is unique, as far as I know. I especially like the fact that he's a devotee of Hugh Everett's Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. I'm a member of a book club that will be reading his book "Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime."

  3. All in all, enjoy life as it is. You'll never know what will happen in the future as you are never going to know which path split of life you'll take. Just embrace yourself as the quantum observer of the specific quantum state where your life is pathing on, and let go regretting deeply on past mistakes because you're just experiencing one of the multiple quantum states of your life.

  4. Physics and economics are now both driven by wealth of those spreading lies or rarely truths

  5. So if the vacuum is more entangled the closer it gets and energy excitation of the field breaks entanglement, what happens in black holes and the big bang? You seem to have space as close as it can get so the most entangled, but also very high energy density so less entangled. Is there some "pressure" pushing everything inside to be entangled like into a single phase of a wave while the energy density just increases the amplitude of the wave? or is there some kind of equilibrium? or is now in some kind of superposition of being entangled and not entangled? It seems like you would have a similar problems that combining quantum mechanics and gravity has in a high mass point like object.

  6. if entanglement creates space/time curvature. cant we RULE OUT space-time being flat? in the time before inflation ALL matter was entangled. how bout that?

    can we calculate the relationship between entanglement and spacetime curvature or gravity?

  7. well, aren't I the surgically debached model of INSTEM uncertainty. Do you have, "Have they got that?" Render an axial, azusmal Up space versus down coupled cartoon with astro-dimensions of choice-intet local group or new light enhancing feedback on the world sheet horizon Signed, woman scavenging the Kavli Institute seats after the oeriidic table fusion table statistics of statics. I was the 'nickel' lady of 2010 was it-you quick witted red head was it. I fled Kavli after being tossed from the coffee nub-the building director I had introduced/ announced myself as an amateur-I should have added stripper but the lifesize grafix of Iter you presented were amazing that day you should go theatre to theatre. Do not publish this please as I am a USA interior victim of the Reich for four years I live on the margin-and nobody would want to be spotlighted now-also signed, yes that's my cous' with Hillary Need housing Just like all dleeping under the freeway darling but most are better at it than me. The Tofu shop knows in Cali and that was two years ago but I think they at least did not edit the fact that I was surgically butchered in a untersate Ceremone'for coming into Facebook- yeah for going in-By the best surgeons on Earth enjoyed telling me I would die soon in their chair of angular decline Luke the bad physics called the poor inslaved automobile

  8. einstein was right all along about the hidden variables, with schrodinger who produced the most important equation describing the quantum world, agreeing with Einstein. So many popular scientists who appear on tv constantly talk about how weird and spooky quantum mechanics is. When it isn't.its so funny they go on about waves of probability when actually it's deterministic. quantum entanglement is not spooky. einstein and schrodinger, and john archibald wheeler. greatest physicists of the twentieth century. Hugh everitt would have been perhaps in that list but he quit his research to work in some government science department i think something to do with nuclear energy. anybody who hasnt read papers by wheeler, his ideas were astounding. in relation to many worlds he discovered retrocausality in quantum experiments, the future changing the past. but actually applying everitt's MWI, trying to change the past actually creates parallel universe copies of the present with an altered past. these are new quantum parallel worlds, the hugh everitt ones, and come about through decoherence-the splitting of reality/wave function into different branches. this makes time travel to the past completely possible with no time paradoxes, as going back in time sends a person into a parallel universe copy of the targeted time era, and that branch is separate from us, so the person can do anything in that new parallel branch of the universe without paradoxes.

  9. In the nearest future this lectures will be held in Chinese and the communist party leader decides what is that we are going to hear and what is to be reality. 在谷歌聊天.

  10. Thanks for this talk. It's great you show the speaker 99% of the time because we would totally not know what he looks like otherwise. On the oth we can always get access to his slides easily and there is nothing special about one slide from the other. I just love watching a speaker speak.

  11. I've changed my mind so often over the last 10 years in trying to understand quantum mechanics. I've come such a long road, was so stupid in some of that understanding, but slowly, and amazingly surely, it's bottoming out and Carroll is taking me further along that road. I'm finally accepting we have to "abandon" classic physics to find out what the world is really like. I hated it, but God, I now wouldn't want it any other way. I want the quest for knowledge to never end. Classic physics now seems so nice and safe and comfortable, too safe, too comfortable… it had to end. Not that I mean we can live without classical physics, it's just that it is not the real world, even if it is a huge massive part of it from our point of view. It's like the earth is still flat if we were a tribe in the jungle and there's nothing wrong with that either, but as they do bigger things, like the Roman's built canals, they realised it was round.

  12. There is an end for everything. There is death in the Universe. There is a loop when the end comes before the beginning. All events are happening retrospectively after they are being ended. Everything and everybody that is happening is dead already. I think quantum theory is the first, and clumsy, attempt to introduce death into physics. We can do much better then that, I'm sure.

  13. When science is just a business and you are good at writing and talking. Doesn't matter if you don't know what you are saying….just say it professionally and it will sound interesting like a novel to the public. And NEVER talk publicly with a science other than telepersons like you, because they may not know how to talk well but the can rape your narrative for a joke.

  14. God (yes. the God who created the universe) will only allow man to go so far unraveling the mysteries such as quantum physics, before He steps in and shows man who is really in control.
    Also, it doesn't matter if you don't believe in God, because His existence does not depend on man's belief or disbelief.

  15. I discovered the 4th spatial dimension and founding spatial property. It was inspired by an interesting JRE clip and quantum theory experiments in Objective Reality at a sub atomic level. Emailed you Dr. Sean Carroll, my corroborator and i would love to talk with you about it! This is not a drill, welcome to the 4th dimension everyone! #4Dreality

  16. I think it's arrogant of modern physicists to take credit for being the first to think of the universe as Fluidic fields or space-time.
    Waters above waters below has been a known way of thinking of space for a long long time now.
    Yes we've learned a language to better communicate it and details understanding but in many ways it's not as radical as its credited.

  17. Space is only curved in areas where mass is present. The more mass, the more curved. Though the particles that make up mass are each quantized, as a whole they are more a classical system in the way they act, so gravity in the presence of any object massive enough to bother with is not subject to quantum mechanics:/ So, general relativity is more accurate a way to describe the effect of gravity:/

  18. Trying to Quantize Gravity will not work. Gravity is not a quantum[microscopic system as it works]system. Its macroscopic, and does not apply to quantum systems:/

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