Art Theory

Simplifying Color for Painting | Fundamentals of Art

Evolve Artist

See colors for what they truly are, and learn the fundamental but powerful principles about color for a simplified painting workflow.

A Simple Approach to Easily Create Depth & Volume in Your Art:

0:00 Intro
0:31 How we see color
1:35 Seeing through the illusions to recreate them
3:08 Color in the light
3:32 Color temperature
4:14 Mixing colors
4:46 How to capture form using color
5:15 How to create depth using color
5:59 Seeing complexities of color starts with simplicity
7:28 Resources


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4 thoughts on “Simplifying Color for Painting | Fundamentals of Art
  1. Thanks Dan, I had heard from other evolve artists that if you had warm colors you’d have cool shadows but never understood how that worked. I get it now and look forward to reviewing art I enjoy to see if I can see the colors differently.

  2. I love your videos, there are so informative and adding Carter in as a bonus (is a cuteness overload)! And this is just the top of the iceberg?… I need to get ready to dive into the Evolve Program 😍

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