Consciousness Videos

Sir Roger Penrose – Why Explore Cosmos and Consciousness?

Closer To Truth

Cosmos and consciousness seem utterly different, cosmos encompassing the vast universe, consciousness emerging from tiny brains. Yet consciousness is the basis of religion, and some cosmologists speak quietly, profoundly, about consciousness. A few scientists and philosophers claim that, even without God, consciousness can be something of a cosmic imperative.

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Filmed in the UK in 2007.


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26 thoughts on “Sir Roger Penrose – Why Explore Cosmos and Consciousness?
  1. It's good to focus on mathematics and physics, but what about other things that make us human. Arts, music, visual art, smells, etc A Beethoven sonata is more than the sum of the notes. A computer can probably play it well, but what about the receiver, us, as we interpret it based on our consciousness.

  2. Max Tegmark said something to the effect that consciousness is what we are feeling when we are processing information … he has a good Ted Talk

  3. I'm going to establish an AI startup in no time.

    The corporate name is 'GNT+P', and 'P' means 'Sir Roger Penrose' here.

    Although not entirely, I agree to his mind(consciousness, AI, etc.)-related opinion.

  4. Why explorer universe. And the biological world. To exist indefinitely and infinitely. Maybe. Maybe there's no God. Or any higher power . And I think it's TRUE there's no God. It's just physics. The physics that's beyond our veil of imagination. Or whatsoever . It's not biology it's physics that's like a Russian Doll . A universe with in a universe. An endless INFINITE sequence of existence. U know an endless sequence of universe with in a universe.

  5. Gentile Signore Roger Penrose, per conoscenza alla Gentile Signora Fabiola Gianotti, infine per conoscenza al Gentile Signore Carlo Rubbia,
    sostengo una teoria banale forse nociva o stupida proprio peche' banale………..LA LAVAGNA SCOLASTICA TRIDIMENSIONALE sarebbe di massima importanza per estrapolare "IN ANTICIPO"……" IN ANTEPRIMA" le scelte dell'assoluto dettate dall'universo e dall'infinito (………nota bene……..l'universo dettiene tanti atomi (non servono infiniti atomi !!!!) mentre l'infinito dettiene infinita energia) l'assoluto e' semplicemente uno studio dell' infinito e dell'universo CONCLUSIONE DOVRESTE IPOTIZZARE COSMI COMPLETAMENTE DIFFERENTI DA QUELLO IN CUI ESISTETE !! APPLICANDO NUOVE FORMULE………..27.02.2020

  6. I don't want to discount the discussion. I think it is an important discussion but the bottom line is – we haven't got a clue. I think that is why the discussion is important – because it informs us of what we do not, and perhaps cannot know.

  7. The brain is loopy.. We are barely more than robots. Conciousness is overrated… A self-driving car is concious – it is aware of its surroundings and reacts according to rules and past experience, like us… It is self-aware as it monitors its parts for possible problems.

  8. I've theorized that our very brains are filled with billions of sub-atomic galaxies that are chock full of stars,planets,and people which exist in parallel dimensions,and operate on different time scales.
    Perhaps the 3-5 billion years that our sun has burned is only 3-5 billionth' s of a second for the being who's brain cell we are existing in

  9. Kuhn sure has a lot of close contacts with China and the Chinese government. You don't get in bed with them like that and not be ideologically aligned.

  10. I agree that consciousness can not be so ‘easily’ replicated. We are not even just a brain, so making an artificial consciousness by copying the computational power of a brain is kind of laughable.

  11. I have a theory if all space is expanding why is the quantom relm of atoms not expanding also. and to expand enough bang a new reality from the quantom expansion in to matter

  12. Could someone please provide me with more information about what Sir Roger is saying at 13 mins in when talking about Shroedinger's deterministic equation vs the measurement problem.

  13. human beings are limited by range and ability of their brain ( mind?) to comprehend the phenomena of universe. may be in future with more evolution of human faculties . better understanding will dawn !!

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