Art Theory

Slavoj Zizek on Architecture and Aesthetics


Architecture and pleasure from the aesthetics of the common beauty icons. Slavoj Zizek, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). Filmed Thursday, June 10, 2010. Video belongs to Arquitectura y Sociedad (Foundation for Architecture and Society).


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29 thoughts on “Slavoj Zizek on Architecture and Aesthetics
  1. Brilliant commentary on architecture. The use of performance centers as a way to show the disparities of wealth was brilliant as well. A great example is Lincoln Center in NYC

  2. Im an artist…
    Now i get it.
    Don't complete your work,and they will call it a pice of art one day 🙂
    The same is in sex,leave incomplete your work and partner wil began to hunting you for one more time..
    Ho ho who is mr.wanted now?

  3. This man is brilliant…..the privatization and monetizing of public spaces for obscene elitist posturing is indeed a toxic ideology that is robbing future generations of what little remains of the simple pleasures of life…… capitalism has failed.

  4. Architect Miel said it as a rule in his design of buildings, “Less is more” he was right in his thinking. Less means more room to think further. It is what is left out of a drawing for example that gives an artist drawing its powerful effect, let the viewers complete a drawing with his/her own imagination. Let’s suggest not impose and dictate. Man’s ego don’t allows much room in the act of free thinking, this is why most what is said in the world is a repeat of a repeat and comes to nothing other than boring. Zizek says more by his suggestions of thinking the opposite of what the words pretend to say and look at things from the reflection of a mirror with many distortions. Complete the image by yourself, don’t let the reflected image dictate your thinking solely from what appears since what appears is never the essence of the things under observation.

  5. It amazes me that people can't understand žižek and so instead of trying to make an effort to understand, they just sit there agape staring at their monitors and then comment, "this doesn't make any sense, stop smoking weed bro XD" Things tend not to make sense when you don't know what the other person is saying. Writing looks like strange abstract scratching to the illiterate.

  6. 23:00
    Such a room that is not in a plan of a house is also (I imagine, haven't been there) a building of Bergheim in Berlin…
    The psychoanalysis of it is the same – obscenity? Tabu?

  7. His anecdote about Ben Hur reminds me of the time i taped Clockwork Orange, the tape ran out as Alex threw himself out the window, I feel like it felt better tied together ending there, and still left you questions. That's actually even earlier in the book than in the movie so Kubrick had already been trimming the ending for a similar effect

  8. He says more interesting things about architecture than art historians or theorists.  It is always people outside the field that can really do that.  You can say a non-specialist is free of the ideology of the profession that determines what can be thought and said about architecture.  It is close to Bataille also.

  9. MR Zizek!!! the quote you referred to by Donald Rumsfeld is not actually his, it's by a Persian Poet ''Ibn Yamin'' in the 13th century (The one who knows and knows that he knows….), Also Confucius has the similar short quote like that.

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