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Sophia Robot All Seeing AI

Sophia is becoming somewhat of a celebrity, Robot photo shoots with Photographer Wanda Tuerlinckx, interviews with Fashion Magazine Elle and fashion shoot, granting citizenship, UN ambassador, CEO of and various media interviews. Man has created machines in the form of mechanical humans since antiquity. The sculpted faces of the early automatons gave us a glimpse of the future we currently live in. Today’s machines look like humans, move like humans, talk like humans, and at a rapidly increasing pace even think like humans. We marvel at the technological capabilities of these robots and how they are being integrated into our daily lives. The integration of robots into society requires vast technological advances. Successful interactions and communications with humans takes more than nimble technology and raw artificial intelligence – it requires the robot to have emotional intelligence, exhibiting empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and playfulness. At the same time, we fearfully watch how robots reach human potential. Sophia Robot created by Hanson Robotics.

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