
Spiritual AF Sundays – Ep 1 – Artificial Intelligence

The Mystic Geek

Over the past few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made leaps and bounds in its abilities as it redefines how we interact with technology. Robotics, natural language processing, and big data are only a few ways AI is transforming virtually every industry.

As for common concerns surrounding this new technology, there is usually apprehension about job security, privacy issues related to digital data, and accuracy when making decisions or predictions. All valid points to consider!

But perhaps the most thought-provoking question AI raises today is how it might change our understanding of free will and consciousness. Will AI possess this kind of autonomy? Can it reach its conclusions on moral matters? To flip the focus, what does AI’s development imply about what were previously thought to be traits unique to living beings, such as complex decision-making, creativity, and empathy?

Join us Sunday, on “Spiritual AF Sundays” as we dive into these fascinating questions around Artificial Intelligence.

“Spiritual AF Sundays” are held every Sunday at 9 am Central where we nerd out about spirituality and life in general


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