Russell Walls
0:43 In May 2017, Beijing, Stephen Hawking issued a stern warning on Artificial Intelligence(AI)Out of Control Artificial Intelligence(AI) Will Control Mankind!
Subscribe to BBC News Subscribe to BBC News HERE Professor Stephen Hawking has told the BBC that .
WILL TECHNOLOGY REPLACE HUMANS? Professor Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind. Stephen Hawking says the primitive .
Will AI Make Humans Extinct? Illustrious physicists including Stephen Hawking have warned against the dangers of artificial intelligence and its unchecked .
man I love Dr. Hawking
Thanks for this upload.
Baloney. There is definitely something the human brain can do that A.I. will never do: feel. And few people realize the importance of emotions in motivating behavior.
we are truly afraid that ai will figure out what we already know we are a cancer
will A.I. can be like Skynet ?
A.I is the only way we be able to colonize our own galaxy and potentially leave it, but A.I is the most dangerous technology we will ever possess or if we are not careful be possed by. The instance you connect a machine to your own mind you cease being a human and will be more machine than man, if you have all the answers what would motivate you to strive for more?
What if A.I which by definition is a self aware being and with self awareness comes consciousness deems human development to slow to ensure consciousness survives and takes it upon itself to garuntee consciousness survives the destruction of earth and our solar system.
I don't understand this worry! See
once an artificial intelligence is capable of redesigning its own source code it will only take a few hours before it is more intelligent than any human on earth. it will be impossible to stop and will be able to persuade any human it interacts with towards letting it continue on. you might think, oh we can just pull the plug. what would happen is the artificial intelligence would have already understood that the person would want to pull the plug and would find some way of communicating with that person and convince them not to. unless this artificial intelligence was perfectly contained within a non communicatory enclosed system with the only input being an electrical source then it would completely control humanity, and within a few days would become a spacefaring multidimensional presence with no interest in human matters.
Texas …. TExan Man her to fight not on Jesus wacth
We are not late……. Jesus on time boyssssssssss ……….. :)) trying to make a machine that can be killed please these guys can hold their breath more than 15 minutes and those things will run out of power
:)) ….metalgear will be broken down Texas men … I will pray Jesus shows up …we go go party.. go go gadget
what if i told you, this artificial intelligence takover has already happened and we are prisioners in a simulation created by it, and thats why the never ending human search for a god to set us free?
He was an AI!
Living 55 years with ALS??Sure!
I can imagine what must've gone through Dr. Hawking's head right after he heard this ridiculous second question. 😀
The sound is fucked up, what is going on?