
Stephen Kotkin: Stalin, Putin, and the Nature of Power | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast

Lex Fridman

Stephen Kotkin is a professor of history at Princeton university and one of the great historians of our time, specializing in Russian and Soviet history. He has written many books on Stalin and the Soviet Union including the first 2 of a 3 volume work on Stalin, and he is currently working on volume 3. This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast.

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Stalin (book, vol 1):
Stalin (book, vol 2):

0:00 – Introduction
3:10 – Do all human beings crave power?
11:29 – Russian people and authoritarian power
15:06 – Putin and the Russian people
23:23 – Corruption in Russia
31:30 – Russia’s future
41:07 – Individuals and institutions
44:42 – Stalin’s rise to power
1:05:20 – What is the ideal political system?
1:21:10 – Questions for Putin
1:29:41 – Questions for Stalin
1:33:25 – Will there always be evil in the world?

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34 thoughts on “Stephen Kotkin: Stalin, Putin, and the Nature of Power | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast
  1. I really enjoyed this conversation with Stephen. Here's the outline:
    0:00 – Introduction
    3:10 – Do all human beings crave power?
    11:29 – Russian people and authoritarian power
    15:06 – Putin and the Russian people
    23:23 – Corruption in Russia
    31:30 – Russia's future
    41:07 – Individuals and institutions
    44:42 – Stalin's rise to power
    1:05:20 – What is the ideal political system?
    1:21:10 – Questions for Putin
    1:29:41 – Questions for Stalin
    1:33:25 – Will there always be evil in the world?

  2. You're exactly what I've been looking for Lex. Keep fighting the good fight, I'm sure I speak for many when I say most of us want to be more like you.

  3. But institutionalism will always be taken over by oligarchs. When the rules are set down impersonally, the oligarchs will have all the time in the world to tame them, to employ scyscrapers full of lawyers and lobbyists to tame the system to make it place specialized to enrich themselves with. Monarchy is superior to democracy, because the monarch is by the very nature of his position already at the apex, democracy just turns into an oligarch plunderfest.

  4. Lex, you might not read this but let me say that you are a very genuine and humble person and people like that about you. But if you insist on bringing economists, historians & the like, you have to first be well versed yourself and two you have to understand they are not the sciences. There are always narratives at play here and if you are not careful you will inadvertently perpetuate those narratives. I think you here are not being careful or you just don't know how & where to push back.

    May be you have already read these books but if not please read/re-read Howard Zinn's people history and Domenico Lusardo's liberalism , a counter history. The latter also has a book on Stalin which you should read too as you are after all from Russia. There are many beautiful books about 20th century Russian history told from a non-US centric world view. They are well worth your time, Russian or otherwise.

    We must separate fact from fiction more effectively when it comes to history/economic history. You have a power with your podcast to shape other people's minds .Don't be callous by stepping outside the bounds of AI without requisite preparation or by not questioning everything that you think you know, especially more so when it comes to history/economics as fiction in these disciplines comes disproportionately from the high places and that includes places like princeton.

    I hope this finds you.

    Thanks for the podcast in general.

  5. Stalin would have been nothing without the people who killed their countrymen to allow him into power. Stalin's evil is not the evil of one extraordinary man. It is the evil of a mob of ordinary men.

  6. HOW CAN ANYONE OVERLOOK STALIN'S PSYCHOPATHY??? Do you really believe this man wanted to make the world better?! Just TAKE A LOOK AT HOW HE TREATED HIS OWN FAMILY!!! How he was willing to let his own son die, how he would humiliate his wife in public. Why his own son and wife attempted suicide. THIS IS WHY WE GET THESE MONSTERS IN HISTORY!!! Stop giving these tyrants the benefit of the doubt!!! It's not that POWER CORRUPTS, it's that people who SEEK POWER ARE ALREADY CORRUPT TO BEGIN WITH!!! And those who acquire absolute power are the most corrupt ones of them all. No one is simply handed absolute power, they usually KILL FOR IT!!!

  7. I have never seen a person that speaks about this topics with this calm and measure, and also gives the devil credit where credit is due.

  8. Eliminate the state. Scale is the problem. None of these civilization models and forms of governance work at scale. No social model works at scale. All of them will eventually fail.

  9. Every episode is better and better. Just love watching you have these interactions. Thank you for asking what I didn't know I wanted to know.

  10. putin is just a fucking criminal, not an intelligent dictator, it is just a rude criminal responsible for the death of thousands of people… to annexe Crimea or to make a war in Donbass is not a subtle political strategy, it is just a criminal act: please do not overestimate putin as people often overstimate mafia or narcos bosses: they are just CRIMINALS… Putin did not rescue Russia from the chaos, he prolonged the agonia !! he did not contribute to build a democracy !! How can you analize the act of a criminal as that of a political genius ?? How can you be so blind ??

  11. 1:18:50 – Stephen says he is only concerned about those that wish to tear down the institutions that keep the checks and balanced (left and right), but not concerned the swings left and right within those institutional parameters


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