
Steven Pinker and Sam Harris Waking Up Book Club NEW!!

Sylviabomb smith

2 in the pink, 1 in the stink. Pinkster is a goddam pimp. Quality human bean right thurr. Maximum respect.
Sam harris is aight too.. XD


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36 thoughts on “Steven Pinker and Sam Harris Waking Up Book Club NEW!!
  1. This might be of interest to people here to contemplate?
    What is the cause of injustice and thereby suffering? could it be the very nature of 'matter' and 'need' predestined man to suffer injustice and pain and suffering?

    'exerts' taken from this article:

    Socrates –referring to the material sins- states that: «Ουδείς εκών κακός». Meaning that no man does evil willingly, but is always under the impression that he is doing good!

    This is due to the law of duality of the universe, where depending on the different position / point someone holds on the circle of life, he automatically creates a dipole. Thus if at a certain position injustice prevails, then in the diametrically opposite position/point, justice prevails and vice versa.
    The stronger each faction / position, is tied to its place (fighting for its values), the more competitive it becomes against the opponent’s position (which also wants to make its dreams come true). When at some point the claim limits are exceeded, then sin emerges as a side effect.

    But this is the law of nature of duality, the law of Yin and Yang, and the only “judge” of this faulty creation is the creator himself the ruler of this world always throwing the blame on humans and demanding their karmic balance to be zero.

    exerts taken from this article:

    'The law of oscillation prevails everywhere, as each situation (warm gate) gives birth to its opposite (cold gate).

    The day gives birth to the night and the night, the day in return.

    Inhalation produces exhalation and exhalation provokes inhalation.

    The same endless cycle everywhere….of the unending alternating oscillation where everything gives birth to its opposite.

    In reality there’s no good nor evil, only our own changing perception, depending on which point of the wheel of “life” we find ourselves on every occasion. From there, we observe life’s events, and they sometimes seem “good” to us, while at others we perceive them as “evil”.

    If we shift to the opposite end from the one we used to be at first, we’ll perceive the same events from a new and different point of view and we’ll define them completely differently than before.

    'everything gives birth to its opposite' – iF this is true… how does 'justice' prevent 'injustice' if justice gives 'birth' to injustice and vice versa?….if each situation creates the other…then add the element of entropy leading to further breakdown and things leading to further disorder which are simply 'doomed to fail' ….what 'Progress' is there going to be? Trying to 'improve' the conditions and make things 'better' according to the law of duality lead to that same 'better' eventually degrading to 'worse' which is perpetuating imbalance of the matrix thereby pushing 'better'/worse' to extremes.

    Man could be said to be like a hamster in a wheel endlessly trying to chase that 'better' but the energy he puts into it he also simultaneously creates the 'worse' which comes after…because the 'seed' of 'better' lies in 'worse' and the seed of 'worse' lies in 'better' situations of 'human flourishing', entropy further degrading and increasing these pendulum extremes…

    'Every action has an equal and opposite re-action'

    'Then someone might wonder:

    ―How can we then escape from this situation/trap, when we are doomed to fail no matter which side’s (positive or negative) tools we use???'
    'astrophysicist Kip S. Thorn in his book Black Holes and distortions of Time ‘(Mirror publications, Athens 1999) states:

    “The laws of physics are forcing regions of negative energy to absorb energy quickly from their adjacent regions of positive energy, restoring the energy equilibrium to zero.”'

  2. "Numerous cross-cultural studies have shown that modern society– despite its nearly miraculous advances in medicine, science, and technology– is afflicted with some of the highest rates of depression, schizophrenia, poor health, anxiety, and chronic loneliness in human history." – Sebastian Junger

  3. 43:15

    This is where Pinker shows he is wrapped up in his original points from 5:47 where he basically breaks all 3 of his use of "reason" to frame Trump in a way that confirms his own biased beliefs while ignoring evidence that proves them wrong…all while showing he is over confident in his own knowledge.

    Clinton also ran a massively negative campaign where she demonized everyone that was not supporting her to the point of even demonizing many Democrats. Like Bernie Bros that live in their moms basement and is such a repulsive person she even wrote a book long after her defeat where she even says women are so brainless and helpless they vote the way their husbands and bosses tell them to vote!

    1:26:00 then he outdoes himself here by comparing Clinton's email server, a thing that PROVED so much wrong-doing as well as her own ineptness as a leader (3rd more powerful position in government yet does not know what is or is not classified?!?) to Trumps tweets all mentioning North Korea's threat may be ending…due to Trump's tweets!

    1:40:00 This ENTIRE part of the show about A.I is just a massive show of ignorance by Pinker on the topic and bow does he use some crazy rationalization to confirm his personal beliefs. Even a basic reading of current A.I. proves him wrong, so way wrong…we can already program computers to do all the things he says A.I. will never be able to do.

    The confirmation bias is strong with Pinker. I wish he, along with all other "intellectuals" would just stick to the things they are actually educated in…he breaks all his own rules. Just like Jorden Peterson does when he talks about religion and Harris does when he talks about politics.

  4. With all the respect to Pinker, he misses one important point. Every printing press or steam engine or atom bomb or car or smartphone we have built has always been a steady target. We have evolved around it. Atom bombs did not get any less lethal, we just realised what destruction they can bring so we don't use them anymore (so far).

    AI is fundamentally different. It is a moving target. We will not be able to evolve fast enough around it, it will evolve around us. Its goals can align with human goals for couple generations but it is extremely naive to think that it will remain anthropocentric forever without severe consequences to us.

    Btw the fact it is extremely hard to get there NOW is absolutely irrelevant.

  5. I wish Lawrance krauss was there, then this triology would stand like A pyramid of the ancient world…
    great ppl to see under one roof.

  6. The blind spot of Steven concerning the potential dangers of (different sorts of) A.I. is staggering. Yet it's good to see the thesis and antithesis confront eachother, instead of just agreeing with eachother at every point. 🙂

  7. Why does Pinker think he looks good with that mop on his head? Get a haircut so we can concentrate on what you are saying!

  8. If you watch Pinker in his various talks and debates you find that his colleagues, regardless of their status seem to treat him with a deep respect. Watch Jordan Peterson ask Steve what he thinks of the JP, 'Atheists are deep down religious' notion, or Sam ask Steve what he thinks of the Harris-ion 'AI is one of the great dangers we'll have too contend with'. Steve seems so comfortable defusing both positions, while Peterson and Harris, sheepishly give way to the better argument. Bringing in Steve is liking bringing in dad to settle an argument between squabbling children. Father know best..

  9. 1:02:24
    Sam Harris sums up the faddish Peterson principle:

    "Another example here is the rise of Jordan Peterson…It seems like he has unmasked in the secular community a kind of hunger for a quasi religious orientation towards mythology and meaning."

  10. One of the reasons why people react so strongly to terrorism and other forms of hateful violence is that it carries with it an implication of a potential 'spread' and thereby killing on a much larger scale. When you witness some skinheads og neo-nazis perpetrate violence the reason you react so strongly is because you see in that act of violence the potential for something much bigger. You could say this is unreasonable, but then again the people who commit these acts actually wish to see violence on a much larger scale. Going from history it is pretty reasonable to assume that we have the capacity for violence on a large scale, and therefore i thinks its pretty silly to make the comparison to number of deaths from bees as these deaths do not carry with them any 'potential' for massive growth.

  11. I'm curious what the reduced percentage of deaths by lightning strikes has to do with Pinker's "civilizing process". All it tells me is that many of the other population-based statistics he cites may have a single explanation which is as unrelated to being civilized as probability of death by lightning: Population growth, and the increased difficulty nature has in the task of killing us off in sufficient numbers.

  12. Pinker. Are you kidding? no exponential growth in AI?! When robots start building robots……….. Did you find the AI chess demonstration interesting? self learning robots will not only change machines, they'll change the process of construction of these machines. They will learn what we know about engineering in a week by trial and error and not by reading our textbooks.

  13. What pinker fails to appreciate is the the world's population. There are more people in Gaza today than there were slaves in Egypt freed by Moses.

    Or in relatable terms: half a billion (1.5x pop of USA) people in China, plus India, plus the agir an continent; Just those who are not only poor but enslaved economically or outright under threat of death today. That 1.5 billion people suffering today, the worst of the worst is the entire population of the globe in newton's age on the kindest estimates.

    Percentages only scale well when the body of data is relatable on the same terms. Kings still died of flus and had poor quality of life compared to middle class us today.

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