
Steven Pinker Doesn't Understand Thomas Hobbes

President Sunday

…Because he’s only pretended to read him


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5 thoughts on “Steven Pinker Doesn't Understand Thomas Hobbes
  1. 1:22 Thomas Hobbes put his finger on responsible government?
    2:45 Why Thomas Hobbes is famous
    3:44 Honor the Commonwealth
    4:30 Sense and Imagination
    (We know man, we know horse, we imagine centaur)

    6:00 An Army


    8:22 The State of nature is every man vs every other man

    10:05 Democracy existed for thousands of years before The Enlightenment

  2. What's confusing to me is that Pinker's statement "..Unfairly associated with the idea that life in a state of nature is nasty, brutish, and short" implies that he's going to act like he has some newfound insight on Thomas Hobbes. So, why does he fall on such basic criticisms of Thomas Hobbes made by people who have never read him?

  3. Writing is superior to speaking. Pinker demonstrates it here. If he were writing this instead, he would realize he was waffling and do some research

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