
Steven Pinker Makes the Case for Optimism | Freethink


Author and Harvard professor Steven Pinker lays out what he see as a basic paradox. The news today seems worse than ever – but based on a number of key metrics, Pinker argues the world is better than it’s ever been. Pinker explores the data and makes the case for how can we tackle the world’s problems while not drowning in negativity. That’s the focus of his latest book, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress.

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34 thoughts on “Steven Pinker Makes the Case for Optimism | Freethink
  1. Great book, read it now. And he doesn't just gloss over bad news either – he acknowledges problems while statistically demonstrating the larger positives.

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  3. Optimism? Pinker is ultimately pessimistic about our ability to pass the aggressive reforms needed in the west. He says to "take the word 'progress' back from progressives", progressives who are the actual optimists, who actually believe we can make these needed reforms that Pinker's curmudgeonly apologetics can only get in the way of.

  4. I recently read your book on how the world needs to celebrate the Western Enlightenment Now and while there is much to celebrate in your perspective, especially your insight that Humans are not born as blank slates,… I can't help but notice the various gaping holes in your presentation that things are generally getting better. Your book never mentions at all, the migrant crisis in Europe, the rising rates of children being born to single mother households because too many women would rather marry the welfare state than the biological fathers of their children, and the exploding debt world wide that is sinking Western Civilization which can never be legitimately retired. You praise the welfare state while ignoring the Moral Hazards created by it. How long is it substainable to tax people who behave responsibly to subsidize the behavior of those who continuously behave irresponsibly? You never mention libertarians except to belittle them for not wanting to contribute to the delinquency of the next generation. Like so many supposedly intelligent people in the world today, you apparently regard limitless wealth as something that spontaneously happens on its' own like an act of nature, rather than as something that requires hard work, skill, and savings,… instead the world gets ever increasing debts that no one ever expects to be paid down. How is it loving to children to continuously make each generation more in debt?

    Despite my disagreements, I largely regard Steven Pinker to be one of the good guys. You've interviewed with Dave Rubin,… how about Stefan Molyneux next? There is far more agreement than disagreements between us, but I find you disregard the very real damage done my moral hazards far too much. There is nothing wrong with the world that creating more savings, rather than more debt, wouldn't fix.

  5. Fantastic video!

    I never really considered that the news was negative because so many positive things are non-newsworthy according to journalistic standards. Very interesting!

    And this guy has such a wonderful voice, if he’s thinking of making the book into an audiobook, I hope he reads it himself! Would be lovely!

  6. I like Steven's message, but don't think he ever adequately responded to Malcolm Gladwell's point about the raised stakes in a post nuclear world… Should we really be optimistic knowing who carries the launch codes right now?

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