
Steven Pinker & Michael Shermer – Montreal – Sept 16th 2018


Steven Pinker & Michael Shermer – Montreal – Sept 16th 2018

Steven Pinker & Michael Shermer sit down for a conversation. They discuss science, reason, AI & more.

This event occurred on September 16th, 2018 at the Olympia Theatre in Montreal.

Presented by Pangburn Philosophy

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35 thoughts on “Steven Pinker & Michael Shermer – Montreal – Sept 16th 2018
  1. A nitpick, though a rather consequential one give the politics in the US these days…
    Politicians don't have to appeal to "the largest possible coalition", at least not under a plurality voting system. At worst (from their POV) they just have to appeal to a 50%+1 of people who bother to vote. Add in third parties, and it is even less.

  2. 23:27 Mother Teresa,

    Thank you.

    The average modern nurse that has spent a career caring for the ill and dying does more good than mother Teresa. There are tens of thousands of mother Teresa equivalents. Reason is usually so much more moral than tradition !


    ? Where is the ambiguity ? You get you kids out of that house until that guy stops doing drugs or whatever it is that is fucking up his thinking.

  3. social spending as % of gdp is smaller in canada and somewhat higher in US because healthcare cost much much more fore the same procedure in US, healthcare is provided primarily by profit driven institutions (even so called non-profits) which also happen to enjoy great monopolistic powers, as a results they over-treat and overcharge, hence higher spending per capita and as % of GDP, it does not mean more or better care

  4. If things suppossedly don't come back once their gone, contradicting the cyclical argument, why then is autocratic rule around the world on the rise? Again!

  5. Sigh…The media does tend to lean towards the sensational, however, Anderson Cooper was demonstrating to drivers that just because some parts of the road were passable, other parts were dangerously deep. If you are going to criticize someone, you should know what they are doing. Also, those pics on FOX were from a different hurricane. One of the cameramen in those pictures had already passed away by Florence.

  6. Surprised at how philosophically weak the two of them are. They acknowledge it to some extend, but still goes on to make quite a few very philosophical claims.

  7. Michael and Sam Harris are interesting and fun but their main intention in life seems to be pissing people off. As Don King use to say, “ Only in America!” Great gig if you can swing it 😉

  8. I'd be onboard redistribution schemes if there was a shred of evidence that they improved the overall welfare of a nation in real terms.

    That is to say, giving people free money without constraints on its use is probably not the best strategy for long term social and individual success, and contentment.

  9. I'm addition, UBI is just tech company's way of keeping their model working. That is why billionaires are advocating for it… They can continue growing by taking money from people that is being provided to them at the point of a gun.

  10. Hope, beliefs, dogma and faith don't need to be reinforced by apologists, if they are simply thumb rules and stop-gaps while the evidence is fully revised in the appropriate context by qualified Researchers.

  11. I used to think both of these guys were much smarter before I watched this.

    "Don't we have a moral obligation to take care of these people?"

    Don't you have a moral obligation not to steal from others to do so?

    Spending ten minutes conflating what people "agree" is right based on their feelings with morality. Really….

    Pinker then goes on to cite Politifact and Snopes who have been shown to rate veracity of nearly identical statements based on party and what they WANT to be true.

  12. so pangburn didnt have a clue of how to run a business/audio/video/Lighting. without god there is only opinion….you can repeat your claim or say "its based in human nature" but then that claim is also an opinion unless you have some data Im unaware of. most issues on sex are limited to marriage within the Religious framework. The Action of Sex is to procreate anything outside that is classically defined as sin.

  13. What's interesting is that Oxford Future of Humanity institute actually rates the risk of humanity coming to an end at some point within this century as higher than (almost) ever before, but not for any of the reasons people know about; they speak of pandemics, AI risk, nuclear threat, biochemical disaster etc. Not racism, Trump and global warming.

  14. Humanity is split between BLACK vs WHITE, and all the variant shades in-between. The yin vs yang syndrome this represents is the test equation: the spiraling ever closer to the collective center of neutrality that is HUMANITY! Maybe? As to the guaranteed monthly income: these monies would fuel an economy like no other. Short of hording in a mattress, these monies quickly flow back into the economy which increases tax revenues and jobs… great incentive for everyone!

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