
Steven Pinker: Political Correctness Might Be Redpilling America

Learn Liberty

Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker argues that political correctness actually breeds the very same extremist views it hopes to quash.

Excerpted from Spiked Magazine’s ‘Unsafe Space Tour’ panel discussion at Harvard University.


Steven Pinker on Taboos, Political Correctness, and Dissent (video): FIRE President Greg Lukianoff interviews Harvard psychology professor and bestselling author Steven Pinker about his books, the crucial role dissent plays in keeping society sane, the special importance of free speech on campus, and the origins of political correctness.
Are Campuses Really More PC Today? (Unsafe Space Tour, Harvard University) (video): Steven Pinker, Robby Soave, Wendy Kaminer, and Brendan O’Neill discuss the past and present of campus speech codes.
Spiked Magazine Panel – “Is Political Correctness Why Trump Won?” (video): Watch the ‘Unsafe Space Tour’ panel discussion at Harvard University, featuring Steven Pinker, Wendy Kaminer, Robby Soave and Brendan O’Neill.

For a full transcript, please visit:

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49 thoughts on “Steven Pinker: Political Correctness Might Be Redpilling America
  1. Of course it is. Why else would a people who often times directly oppose even participating in politics at any point, get so divided by it? Because a bunch a politically minded morons decided to rile them up via political correctness, thats how.

  2. Anything that is good for the rich Republican crooks is politically correct.  Politically correct stuff is just moralistically annoying.  Who gains from  using the words "politically correct" invented by Republicans at Dartmouth College?  The Republican Party crooks  fool. people for gain. That's how they become rich and powerful, and stay rich and powerful..

  3. Islam was much more enlightened??? Ummm dude… there are monuments in my home town that depict the battlets that were going on around due to Ottoman empire trying to conquer Europe… lel even Pinker gets shit wrong


  5. Hey Dems PC ain’t working!! All it does is further entrench in power our loser “leaders”!! You get dope slapped by the election of Dump and that doesn’t wake them up?? Time for a change at the top!!

  6. I was wondering how far he was going to go. I disagree when he says that facts about race and crime can change. I do not see one community in the world where blacks do not proportionally commit the most crimes. However I do like how he points out that this fact does not need to lead to extremism. If I point this out to a friend, they often think I must be a "racist". Of course, that is false. I simply acknowledge truths of the world in which we live. It is unfortunate that political correctness is suppressing many truths.

  7. Pinker is wrong about islam having no equivalent to the wars of inquisition or wars of religion (what about sunni vs shia vs other muslim sects?) if you consider the muslim wars of expansion which slaughtered under submission all the following former Christian lands: all of North of Africa (from Morocco to Egypt) , all of the Eastern Mediterranean (Anatolia and the Levant: Syria, Jordan Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey and parts of Iraq). Not to mention the formerly Umayyad muslim lands in Spain, Portugal and France and the former Ottoman lands in Eastern Europe. Yes, these might be seen from a valid perspective as wars of religion and an inquisition against Christianity, Judaism and other religions. Context is important and facts matter. Just saying….

  8. yeah it's wonderful – the more the left attempts to say painting your face black on halloween (just publicized on news) are too insensitive to the history of black people, the more people decide to leave the left because they'd rather allow fun and conversation, which the left obviously hates and condemns.

  9. For Leftists and Democrats "Alt-right" is simply anybody not left of center or Democrat. Th leftist Democrats think they are being insighful when ihnfact they are just douches.

  10. In general, I find Pinker's commentary quite good. But one thing where he has his facts utterly wrong is that there were no 'wars of religion' in early Islamic history. The crusades didn't come from nowhere. They were a reaction to Islamic violent encroachment over 4.5 centuries prior to the first Crusade being declared. Further, the Islamic armies fought their way all the way to Vienna in the late Middle Ages.

    This is not saying 'islamic history is more evil than other groups'.. its only to point out that we are all human, and subject to the same foibles.

  11. So, what your saying is if you "explain" the facts in a certain way then you will naturally conclude a leftest bent and not be drawn to the horrors of libertarian or conservative ideology?

  12. It's because the Left are mental cases, and look for things to attack to start fights so they can get away from the actual true facts.

  13. I love his point about Capitalism.What Steven says makes so much sense : he extreme leftists are wrong about proposing Socialism as a viable solution because it's an outdated, failed and dangerous system but the libertarians are wrong about wanting society to be an Anarcho-capitalist utopia. All the best countries in the world have a strong safety net and high place in the index of economic freedom. So it makes zero sense when Americans say Canada is socialist for example, because they have less strict regulation and more economic freedom than the US. All the best countries on earth have a strong safety net and a wide capitalist economy based on the free market, this explains why these countries are considered BETTER Than the US by most people: Canada, Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, Japan.

  14. What a stunning lack of Historical perspective saying that the Islam was more enlightened that Christianity. "They did not have the Inquisition, for example". Now, the entire Islamic world (and certainly the non-islamic countries that were invaded and occupied) lived under some form of inquisition. How is a culture enlightened when even practising maths is cause for punishment. Why d'you think Europe tried so desperately to stay refrained from an Islamic yoke? Why do you think our Black Pete in Holland took the form of Islamic slave traders during the course of history. Not because they were so enlightened.Islam was enlightened till the 10th or 11th century. After that, the lights went out.

  15. Political correctness is a neo marxists' tool conditioning entire societies to abandon their freedom of speech or open, public debate. The aim is to paralyze any social discourse hostile to socialist thought. Backlash is a good sign. The people have been awaken in time.

  16. I would say that the most radical uncontroversial thing that he said was actually, "You cannot reliably predict an individuals abilities or preferences from their membership in a group."  That is a great unspeakable statement.  If it is taken as a given, almost the entire edifice of modern left-wing identarian politics collapses.  Not only that, but a great many of the positions popular on the alt-right fall apart as well.

    I will say that he's factually wrong on the majority of his claims, and I would be able to tear him apart in a debate as a really weak opponent.

  17. Stop using the word "race" to describe human beings. Science gave us the most powerful rationale for dispensing with presumptions about superficial physiological variations: humans belong to the same race. Race, as applied to humans, is a social delusion, not a social construction. Therefore, rascism doesn't exist. Predjudice exists and it is formed for many reasons, some of them based on empirical, some on meta-empirical experience, sometimes invalid, but sometimes prejudice is a logical result of persisting conditions. We should be looking at the mechanism from a scientific point of view. We cannot simply condemn out of hand a biological feature that allows babies to recognize and prefer their parents. Let's not forget the Russian experiment where babies where separated from their parents on mass and were deliberately isolated from human contact in an effort to avoid inducing sentimental preferences or bias. They died.

  18. Do not tell them what is good or bad and simply force them to accept it or shame them if they have different opinions. Let people decide for themselves by being honest and open about history and events. People will believe in things that they understand and accept. If forced people will simply act more as a police forcing others to believe in the same things people get resentful and bully each other to suffer the same fate.

  19. * LEFT = Socialism = Equal Outcome + "Diversity" + Censorship + Open Borders + Victimhood/Group blame + Remove Due Process & Evidence

    * NON LEFT = Democracy = Equal Opportunity + Merit + Free Speech + Proper border control + Individual accountability + Due Process & Evidence

  20. I am not a particularly intelligent person but it always seemed to me that a basic understanding of evolution would suggest that the "races" would have to differ (if only slightly) on at least some attributes. It would be strange if human organisms evolving in different environments looked and acted the same. It would disprove evolutionary theory. Once you accept this basic logical principle many of the softer claims of the "alt-right" about the downsides of ethnic diversity in a free society begin to make some sense. This is before you even go into talking about the socio-historical reality of tribalism.

  21. Islam didndu nuffin! Islam is a god boi! Islam accidentally invaded and purge all other groups/religions from most of Africa, Spane, half of Eastern Europe, Greece, Anatolia, etc. It wasn't Islam's fault!

  22. I'm skeptical about his argument that islam isn't responsible for most domestic terrorism. what is the body count? when is the last time kkk or whatever killed someone?

  23. pinker, peterson and fiamingo are some of the last brave professors… but he is SO wrong about islam wars, and they started the slave trade

  24. This is how the real left-leaning man thinks and talks. We need more people like this and more equally smart and eloquent people on the right side like Thomas Sowell.

  25. No anarcho-capitalist I’ve ever encountered believes in no social safety net. They just know that it is unethical to institute a “social safety net” by stealing from others.

    Private charity and philanthropy are great. If we weren’t being taxed 30% of our income, they’d be thriving institutions.

  26. SO -how does Pinker define "white terrorism"?
    as he cited "christian terrorism", would that be based on people who committed murder according to jesus christ's example and directives or just on the coincidence that the murderer happened to be from a christian family background?(there is NO biblical examples of jesus doing ANY such thing,btw).
    by contrast, Mohammad DID execute, rape and loot tribal captives-according to the Hadith.,

  27. Discovering what university students believe, and discovering what recent graduates still believe – this red-pilled me, big time. No such thing as race? Really? RED PILL!!!

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