
Steven Pinker – The alt-right right are highly intelligent, internet savvy activists


Steven Pinker says that the alt-right are highly intelligent, media and internet savvy activists who are exposed to “true statements” about race and terrorism. True statements such as “blacks commit more homicides” and “muslims are terrorists” and that communism is a failure. The reality is that outside intervention in muslim countries is often the cause of the chaos in those countries, capitalism has been challenged academically for good reason, esp. with the recent collapses, Somalia, and the Eastern countries, and Pinker is not a geneticist and has no clue about ethnicity.

“More generally, studies carried out by the Oslo Peace Research Institute show that two-thirds of the region’s conflict fatalities were produced in originally internal disputes where outsiders imposed their solutions. In such conflicts, 98% of fatalities were produced only after outsiders had entered the domestic dispute with their military might. In Syria, the number of direct conflict fatalities more than tripled after the West initiated air strikes against the self-declared Islamic State and the CIA started its indirect military interference in the war — interference which appears to have drawn the Russians in as advanced US antitank missiles were decimating the forces of their ally Bashar al-Assad. Early indications are that Russian bombing is having the usual consequences.

The evidence reviewed by political scientist Timo Kivimäki indicates that the “protection wars [fought by ‘coalitions of the willing’] have become the main source of violence in the world, occasionally contributing over 50% of total conflict fatalities.” Furthermore, in many of these cases, including Syria, as he reviews, there were opportunities for diplomatic settlement that were ignored. That has also been true in other horrific situations, including the Balkans in the early 1990s, the first Gulf War, and of course the Indochina wars, the worst crime since World War II. In the case of Iraq the question does not even arise. There surely are some lessons here.”


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5 thoughts on “Steven Pinker – The alt-right right are highly intelligent, internet savvy activists
  1. This isn't your typical channel for random libertarian and conservative trolls, but documents right-wing extremism. Here's some more facts on Pinker:

    The purpose of the clip is to show that Steven Pinker praised the alt-right, and he's frequently cited by alt-right and "race realist" YT channels for his acceptance of race. It's ridiculous google promotes this stuff. He tweets out things such as: What role should race play in science and N-wade challenges racist doesn't exist dogma, etc.

    Steven Pinker also was a fan of the highly racist blog GNXP run by Razib Khan which promoted "human biodiversity" and the belief that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites. The goal of this was to say either that deniers of race are anti-science, or, if they are scientists, to say they are politically motivated. Here is an interview with Pinker where he says as much ( ).

    His "facts" are highly questionable. It's debatable whether race exists and there are several geneticists who've provided explanations on why it's useless. The claim about the muslims can be refuted by the fact that outside intervention is the reason they are in the situation they're in, and bigotry that they face in society.When moderate Malcolm Gladwell asked for support of his views, Pinker cited the white supremacist blogger Steve Sailer.

    Steven Pinker's data also comes from questionable sources, blogs, and has factual inaccuracies in it. For his proof that a revolt in China killed more than WWII, he cites a blogger: ( See: )
    For his democide statistics, he cited R.J. Rummer, who has now been discredited.

    Here are more criticisms of Better Angels of Our Nature: and

    His claim that "this has never been talked about before" in University is completely false. Academia has always had an anti-communist bias. Remember the cold war? IR to this day is still right-wing, and so is economics. It is not controversial at all in economics to say that capitalism is superior to socialism, though that is not what economics is really about. There have even been many academic racists at "liberal" colleges such as Berkeley.

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