
Steven Pinker: The Political Correct Mob and Academia


Steven Pinker on the political correct mob and how it influences social sciences and potentially natural sciences in academia, and the problem attacks on free speech on college campus.

Steven Arthur Pinker is a Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, linguist, and popular science author. He is Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, and is known for his advocacy of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind.

Full video, edited with permission from “The Rubin Report”, Mar. 2018.

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40 thoughts on “Steven Pinker: The Political Correct Mob and Academia
  1. "I read an article in Vox"? Wasn't it Vox pushing YT to shut down Crowder and other conservative channels only a few months ago? Remember "Voxocalypse"? Not really defenders of free speech

  2. These loonie just can't figure out how far is too far – UNTIL they go too far, THEN a pull back happens
    This has happened before and is happening again.

  3. He should remember, like I do, the early days, when they were all "Free speech, man." and "Peace." Ah, the good ol' days….that was just so they could get their dirty, sandaled feet in the doors of acadamia, and at the time, opposition to the anti-communist war was the top item of the revolution.

  4. Oh man you distilled my mantra for absolute freedom of speech.
    "Sunlight is the best disinfectant."
    Yes. Yes. Yes.
    There is no hate speech just bad ideas…shine a big bright light on that and let the free market of ideas crush the weak.

  5. Pinker and Rubin seek to "depoliticize" people, yet they avoid acknowledging how the opponents of this idea will use to it conquer the nullified targets of their arguments. It's truly nothing more than misplaced (at best) passification of people who will thereafter be conquered.

    They dont present the whole argument, which is why I unsubbed from this type of thing long ago. Funny how YouTube pushes their "radical beliefs though." Almost as though theyre 'useful idiots.'

  6. This madness has infected the entire education/indoctrination system. It's
    not merely a small fringe.

    Bullshit Pinker! Fox news presents both sides. It is the only large network
    that allows a serious conservative, or any non-liberal, view to be expressed.
    Minor divisions were formed because, for the first time, people were allowed
    to hear non-liberal views. It is the liberal-left who hate others and cause
    major divisions. They are violent, hateful, and destructive.
    Torch carrying skinheads are Nazis. Nazis are on the left!
    Blacks for Trump!

  7. Dave Rubin, you are heroic.

    Pinker? His message: Clean my toilets while I write books filled with my chubby philosophy.

    Unworthy of your platform.

  8. ‘The communities that had (access to ) Fox News first became more polarized’. That would be because Fox News has integrity and reports/offers commentary based upon/ the truth. It’s a far cry from the rubbish and conspiracy theory nonsense that CNN and MSNBC spew out ad nauseum.

  9. Interesting that Pinker said that he already noticed this suppression of free speech in the 1970s, usually it's presented as something that happened recently — though that attitude might be more to do with presentism than the facts.

  10. You’re just rebadging the videos uploaded to other channels. This is extremely dishonest practice on your part. You’re not producing anything of value, you’re just stealing others’ content.

  11. I have seen many center left friends who were very reasonable 10 years ago become rabid acolytes of the church of woke. Only a few of us center left types are still center left. Also known as alt right Nazi scum…to those of woke.

  12. Did this loonbag just blame Fox news for politcal division? And not even catch that his severely biased opinion (which is the same as that which infests all academia) is the reason why, not even the scientific community, can be trusted any longer.

  13. Pinker is so intelligent yet he thinks the only republican media is extremist and irrationally denies the fact that republicans or conservatives are censored far more than liberals. What extremely partisan bias.

  14. The communists will continue to push forward until they start encountering REAL pushback. Like the type of pushback where we drag them out of their homes and into the street in the middle of the night.

  15. That a generally esteemed social scientist actually gives any credence to anything found on Vox … well … that really makes you wonder. His comment about Fox is fairly questionable.

  16. Pinker's analysis on the start of FOX is crazy lacking. If you understands business and marketing you know that products and services crop up to meet a need/under-served market. To leave out that FOX's deliberate birth with a target market was also in response to PC culture at the time (as he describes was behind Trump's rise) already infecting Hollywood, gov't, and schools is a sign of something else having more to people like Pinker who lack this ability to identify all the markers, and not any nefarious attempt to divide on the part of ANYONE.

    FOX undoubtedly did major market research and saw, among other things, the huge success of Rush, among other growing indicators. The conservative opinions and worldview were already there. FOX and Rush were smart enough to see it.

    I know because I was there. It started small for me, watching kids running around screaming in restaurant aisles with their parents watching and doing nothing because the latest psychology and break-down of the family already had its strangle-hold on our culture by the mid-90's. In hindsight, earlier.

    In the face of broken journalistic ethics on the Left, it's amazing the lack of introspection and their willful misperception of who conservatives are and what they stand for that fuels a now uncontrolled hate on the Left. They have resorted to global cheating and lying, and still the single major conservative FOX cable channel outperforms all the progressive channels combined by a long-shot.

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