Art Theory

Structuralism vs. Post-Structuralism

University Quick Course

A quick primer on difference between structuralism and post-structuralism.


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48 thoughts on “Structuralism vs. Post-Structuralism
  1. If the background music is annoying STOP DOING HOMEWORK assignments on the FLY. This video is for people who enjoy the history of philosophy, not your crab attitudes and ambition to suck up quick answers for your next homework assignment!

  2. Thank you for much for this video. I was having a hard time understanding the difference. Thank you for explaining it well and clear. Loved the images as well.

  3. I really can't begin to understand why you guys would think having someone singing to a choppy tune in the background would be an effective tool for disseminating information. Maybe if it were just a melody – maybe – this would be bearable and useful.

  4. Are you serious? You put frikkin vocal music to this? So we have to fight to hear separate one voice from the other? WHY would you think that's a good idea?! SMH.

  5. The inclusion of a (-n inane) soundtrack is proof that the structuralists were right; apparently, it's an iron-clad rule governing everyone and everything that music has to be played EVERYWHERE and a soundtrack has to accompany absolutely EVERYTHING –shopping for trousers in a mall, taking a dump in the morning, driving to work, eating a meal in a restaurant, delivering an online lecture on literary theory, etc etc etc etc….

  6. i don't know why a lot of ppl are saying that the background music was disturbing!!! to be honest guys it wasn't disturbing, indeed it really helped me to concentrate and focus. HHH that's a real example of post structuralism. some ppl sees the music in the background as an annoying tool; while others enjoy it .

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