Consciousness Videos

Suppression of Consciousness and Illusion of Reality – Jay Campbell and Matthew LaCroix

Matthew LaCroix

Have the secrets of consciousness and the past been suppressed for hundreds of years from society? I am joined by health expert and ancient researcher Jay Campbell as we discuss that difficult question and seek to uncover the higher truths behind our reality.

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18 thoughts on “Suppression of Consciousness and Illusion of Reality – Jay Campbell and Matthew LaCroix
  1. Matt you are so super awesome! I have been studying pieces my whole life and you have really connected the dots for me! Thank you for being such a bright light for us!

  2. Speaking about oppression: Was it in The Cross and the Switchblade (the true story written by a pastor who was called by God to bring the gospel into the roughest areas of New York City). In the books people's lives are described wherein, because of the exact boundaries of neighbourhoods – the lines drawn by the gangs, many people have not.been beyond certain boundaries. This circumscribed life is enhanced by poverty and other social ills such as poor parenting, drug use & poor education.
    In this light a human hardly has any chance to escape the shackles of closed consciousness.
    I guess all that any of us has, by way of escape, is the great liberation we are provided upon death into the higher realms where there is a great deal of energy spent to cultivate our human awareness to uplift and nourish the super consciousness – the great spiritual potential aspect of everyone who chooses survival.

  3. How do we all join together and seek freedom through the ancients at Agartha? Thank you for your research. We have much common ground, no pun intended. You are a warrior my friend. I am by your side in the super consciousness. We must meet in the physical and discuss the potential for Earth and its inhabitants.

  4. How unique is our conscience? Most probably figure that they are it. Such dismissive talk about the sentience of animals and the human exceptionalism. Really? Humans are conscience but not often sentient. Animals are sentient but not always conscious. That is sentience is presence. Eating animals is the source of our laws of natural exploitation of the gift of life. My biggest regret was feeding carcass to my children. The other issue of societal dysfunction is looking for consciousnesses in space and the sky gods. It is the earth who is our host. Chi rises from beneath our forgotten feet. Lay on your own lawn and grasp her in your hands. That is sufficient prayer for wholeness. If you can relax? It not all about breath and mind. What was suppressed by our education was love for our mother who is either not mentioned or denigrated. Love of Isis turned to Jesus by Romans. To create another sky god and make us rootless orphans of the Roman empire. Good subject to ponder Mathew. This world is our host and patronage. The cross is her sign. Religion and history are deceptions exemplified by the figure of Baphomet. All who exploit other sentient beings for their own ends serve Moloch. Whatever they would protest

  5. I always look forward to watching and listening to your videos. I wish more people could hear the information you put out.
    I echo as much as I can to those in my life. Keep up the great work!!

  6. PS Disregard that dumb question. I didn't realize it was a title and more or less a subtitle! My day O birth is Friday. Just got this from Ebay as a gift to me – it was the last one. Will be here Monday. (Sorry I just try to avoid Amazon like the plague.)

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