
‘Surrealism Tattoos’ The Art of Ink (Season 2) Digital Exclusive | Paramount Network

Artists like Jesse Rix, John L. Armanini, and David Côté let their innermost thoughts speak for them as they tattoo, producing artwork that mixes dreams with reality. Say hello to the subconscious.

#ParamountNetwork #TheArtOfInk

We set off to explore the different individual styles of tattooing, what makes them unique and the artistry it takes to execute them.

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44 thoughts on “‘Surrealism Tattoos’ The Art of Ink (Season 2) Digital Exclusive | Paramount Network
  1. This guy says hes such an artist and loves Dali yet he doesn't know the melting clock has meaning? I mean come on ffs… "he was probably just going with the flow" smh

  2. Usually tattoo artists don't criticize styles like water color or surrealism cause their old heads bringing you down… Usually it's more like hey styles like that are really difficult to make last for a long time. No one's telling you what to do, just that doing tattoos like that will more often fade more aggressively than traditional or whatever

  3. I just learned about surrealism… This art style has been around forever. In some sense alot of tattoos are surreal. Cool video though. Always my favorite style in art, drawing, doodling

  4. Sorry but this shit is fucking ugly, you talk about surrealism but its hardly more than basic tattoo's done badly. Go look at H. R. Giger, or Robert Venosa. That's genuine fantastic hardcore surreal art. Your amateur bullshit is not worth being shown.

  5. Hey Beth they bee crying because the made mistake of having shit tattoos,how about porn tattoos no one have them yet bitch

  6. Can't stop myself noticing how most of those "artistic" punks like to paint some random permanent shit on their skin, yet their clothes and the ways they talk are utterly boring.

  7. If I recall correctly, Dali used hypnagogic hallucinations for some of his work, and being familiar with parasomnia in general I'd say some dream like imagery are very interesting.

  8. Circa 89/1990 I remember the death of SeaTramp ink and the birth of coffee house ink. Sometimes I reminisce about when ink was earned. Beautiful work even if I don’t like what’s happened I can appreciate the talent. Quiz time in which year did the first whiteboy get the very 1st tribal trampstamp ? Idk gotta ask snooki on Miami ink. I feel for the last traditional coil shops left. Everybody yakuza everybody OG. One day it’ll be done by vending machine or 3D tattoo printer. Wild how fast things are changing in our lifetime.

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