Consciousness Videos

Surrender: A Deep Sleep Meditation of Letting Go and Embracing the Present Moment | Mindful Movement

The Mindful Movement

Let it all go tonight. Trust the present moment and know that everything will work out. Surrender to love, so you can let go of fear. Enjoy the peace that comes from surrendering.

The spiritual practice of surrendering and the lesson you learn when you allow and accept isn’t about giving up. Surender and acceptance are about letting go of the unnecessary added layer of suffering that comes when you resist and fight reality. Surrendering gives you the strength and freedom to look for a different way and make a change. It allows you to move out of being a victim. It puts you in the flow state so you can receive the support of the universe.

“Surrender is like a fish finding the current and going with it.” ~Mark Nepo

Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond
Music Credit: Enlighten Me (Theta) by Christopher Lloyd Clarke Licensed by Enlightened Audio

Do not listen while driving. Meditation and mindful movement are powerful tools to support you. This is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.
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44 thoughts on “Surrender: A Deep Sleep Meditation of Letting Go and Embracing the Present Moment | Mindful Movement
  1. I have listened to many meditation videos on youtube and Sarah Raymond is so far the best. Her music is just right her content is so comforting and her voice and tone are perfect. For the first time, I am going to make a contribution to thank her. The hours she has in this has got to be supported and hopefully if we all contribute, she can continue making these beautiful videos that so grately improve our lives.

  2. Perfect. This is the best meditation that I've listened to. She has a gentle, slow voice. The music is more background and doesn't intrude at all. It adds to the over-all atmosphere.

  3. These meditations are perfect. him has a gentle, warm, pleasant voice (with a slight Scots accent). The words are simple and clear. The timing is perfect… just as you start to find your mind wandering, he says and if you find that your mind is wandering… . There is no background music and no noise in the background, only his peaceful and engaging voice. The length of the meditations (about 1/2 hour each) works well for me. I find that I tire of some meditations after frequent repetition, but that hasn't happened with this one. The metta lovingkindness meditation always feels right. Some meditation CDs I have tried have not felt right. The voice seemed hurried, or sounded tense; the background music seemed intrusive, or there were noises that interfered with concentration. This is just perfect as an introduction for new meditators, and it's also a meditation that I return to again and again. I'd give this more than five stars if that were an option. Even my students, who are not ordinarily very receptive to meditation, relax when they hear this one!

  4. The wisdom of this content is a strong catalyst for personal and professional growth. A similar book I read opened new pathways for exploration. "A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age" by Theodore Blaze

  5. Thank you, Sara. God bless you for sharing the gift that he has endowed you with. You are really helping me deal with so many areas of my life, especially leaving my past behind. I wish I could meet with you and have a personal seassion you are truly helping me. THANK YOU 🙏 may heaven smile upon you and allow you to keep helping us 🙏

  6. I just want to thank you for these meditations from the bottom of my heart. This one in particular has gotten me through one of my worst nights in a long time after being stung multiple times by yellow jackets and unable to walk from the excruciating pain this meditation was what got me through the night. I played it over and over every time I woke up I put it back on and it would bring me peace and comfort. I love your voice it’s so soothing. Thank you so much!!! 🙏🙏🙏

  7. What is this? I have some homeless guy dumping his things on my rental property and a thousand other issues no one can do anything about and I'm supposed to just 'let go'. Don't make me laugh. Life is so hopeless.

  8. The ad about what to do in the after math of a violent incident and interacting with the police ended with a very frightening image. The ad should be removed. It has no place on a evening meditation channel!

  9. This CD has three separate relaxation/meditation sessions on it guided by a very pleasant and direct male voice. Unlike so many other products of its type, this CD does not have bad synthesizer music, does not feature a phony or affected style of narration, and does not make any bogus claims to be subliminal or to re-train the brain or any of that balderdash. What you get is 1. a guided meditation for getting into a pleasantly relaxed state of body awareness while taking a stroll (superb for those easing back into a fitness routine slowly after an illness or injury) 2. A nice long breath-awareness relaxation session that if followed diligently can put you into very deep states of full-body relaxation and mental calmness, and 3. a buddhist-inspired meditation session designed to help you develop and maintain feelings of loving kindness toward not just yourself and your friends, but toward people you don't even like. The CD makes no claims to be designed for advanced meditators or for buddhists or hindus/yoga practitioners looking for very deep and esoteric stuff. It is geared more toward the average person who just wants to develop the habit of relaxation and stress relief through natural, healthy means. him, if you happen to be reading this, keep up the good work fella, and I love your accent. I would also like to note that I have never fallen asleep while listening to this product. I would like to kindly suggest to the reviewer who said this CD makes him fall asleep, that he might want to get checked to see if he has a sleep disorder, or if he is simply not setting aside ample time for restful sleep at night. A healthy person getting adequate rest at night should be able to go into deep states of mental relaxation without dozing off, if not all the time, then most of the time.

  10. Meditating with music can help to improve your overall well-being. The calming and uplifting sounds of the music can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve sleep quality, boost your mood, and increase your focus and concentration. This can lead to a more positive and fulfilling life

  11. Thank you so much for this beautiful soothing meditation. It has come at a perfect time in my life where surrendering is key and to trust in the loving guidance of the universe.
    I've been listening to your meditations for a good few years now, both mornings and evenings. I absolutely love your gentle soft voice. I always get a sense of peace and well-being after listening to softly spoken loving caring words. Thank you again for all the love and care you share with all of us. Sending you heartfelt gratitude 🙏💖

  12. This is probably my favorite. I'm very connected to the images and the words. The sea and beach and stones have been a part of my life, so I was immersed. I even filmed a Short video of the ebb and flow of the sea waves washing up on shore just yesterday on my channel. It goes perfectly with this. Your video, and others, are medicinals. Thank you

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