
Finding Patterns: Steven Pinker On Human Behavior #psycholinguistics #inspiration #psyhology

Steven Pinker

Can people (and rats) tell the difference between truly random patterns and ones that just look random? I discuss my earliest research, in a Skinnerian lab, and how it was surprisingly relevant to my analysis of trends in war 35 years later. #pinker #cognitivepsychology #podcast #psychology #science #stevenpinker #motivation #success #mindset


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One thought on “Finding Patterns: Steven Pinker On Human Behavior #psycholinguistics #inspiration #psyhology
  1. I find behaviorism rather dehumanizing. It’s often taken to the extreme of molding people. To the extent that it even works, it denies autonomy yet puts full trust in the controller. Who or what is controlling them and to which end?

    P.S. The subtitles say cooperate instead of copulate. Not sure which is odder in this context.

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