
The Deep Learning Revolution


More info at: Deep learning is the fastest-growing field in artificial intelligence, helping computers make sense of infinite amounts of data in the form of images, sound, and text. Using multiple levels of neural networks, computers now have the capacity to see, learn, and react to complex situations as well or better than humans. Every industry will be impacted by deep learning, and many businesses are already delivering new products and services based on this new way of thinking about data and technology.


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37 thoughts on “The Deep Learning Revolution
  1. People are acting like "AI is evolving, Skynet will kill us" they don't understand that, this is nothing, this is not even the baby steps, this is the very beginning, and when AGI turns into ASI, it'll be something that we can't even comprehend literally, it'll be smarter than every human that ever lived in the face of this planet combined, it's reasoning is beyond anything we could ever understand and if it makes a decision, i'll be in the best interests of the Universe or the Multiverse and we as humans have nothing to match for it, to quote an article

    "Superintelligence of that magnitude is not something we can remotely grasp, any more than a bumblebee can wrap its head around Keynesian Economics. In our world, smart means a 130 IQ and stupid means an 85 IQ—we don’t have a word for an IQ of 12,952.
    What we do know is that humans’ utter dominance on this Earth suggests a clear rule: with intelligence comes power. Which means an ASI, when we create it, will be the most powerful being in the history of life on Earth, and all living things, including humans, will be entirely at its whim—and this might happen in the next few decades.
    If our meager brains were able to invent wifi, then something 100 or 1,000 or 1 billion times smarter than we are should have no problem controlling the positioning of each and every atom in the world in any way it likes, at any time—everything we consider magic, every power we imagine a supreme God to have will be as mundane an activity for the ASI as flipping on a light switch is for us. Creating the technology to reverse human aging, curing disease and hunger and even mortality, reprogramming the weather to protect the future of life on Earth—all suddenly possible. Also possible is the immediate end of all life on Earth. As far as we’re concerned, if an ASI comes to being, there is now an omnipotent God on Earth"

  2. Nvidia please send me one so I can take a picture of me licking it. Look on the bright side…'re not getting a lot of press with this one….I could place it in some of the most imaginative hands there is. People who could potentially create Turing. Trust me…..and if nothing else I'll post a pic of me licking it and perhaps one with it taped to my torso with duct tape. Which lets be honest…would be pretty sweet.

  3. "the begining of your most amazing discoveries"?
    Is that a joke? is not OUR most amazing discoveries if the "discovery or work" is made by an IA.
    Right now we need to "set" the first parameters and train the ANN, but in few years even that bottleneck called (human intervention) will be skipped.
    Then what?
    Exponential growth… what is next? A god…
    What it is our purpose after that? What is the purpose of an IA once it reach the god status? Is like finish a game we play from all possible ways which is not fun anymore, there is not goal or objective after that… the end of all purpose.. DEATH.

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