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24 thoughts on “The Four Horseman – Hitchens, Dawkins, Dennet, Harris [2007]
  1. They are all talking intellectually, However, it is very obvious points they are making. There’s no bombshells or anything that makes me think twice which is what you’d expect from 4 beautiful brains having a discussion. They are simply making obvious statements and claims by dressing language with fancy vocabulary. A bit boring to be honest.

  2. It's interesting to see Harris scoff at The Bell Curve, knowing that he has since completely reversed his opinion on the matter. It would be great to have seen a Hitchens/Harris discussion on its validity.

  3. I suppose that chronic smoking and drinking isn’t a rational behavior either knowing the consequences—I’m looking at you in particular, Christopher—but who am I to judge? We all have our quirks that are seemingly inconsistent or ridiculous to others.

  4. I've watched this video several times throughout the years. If there was a table of foir people today, who would you like to see seating there? My choices: Sam Harris, Matt Dillahunty, Douglas Murray, A.C Grayling.

  5. The biggest mistake that these people make is that they put logic in the middle of everything, while nothing in the existence of it all has anything to do with any logic whatsoever.

  6. It's amazing to see these guys not on the defensive just talking with people they respect. I'm fairly new to all these guys and listening to them feels like eating a nutritious meal. I'm grateful this kind of stuff is out there.

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