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30 thoughts on “The Future of Religions – Daniel Dennett
  1. @BelfastAtheist That is just what an imorral atheist would teach there children. How sad. Just
    tell a 5 year old to think on their own. Everyone has the answers the believers and the atheists they
    are all geniuses !!!! But I do think the atheists think they are smarter?

  2. @asimpleinstrument "Too much education often leads to ugly pride." And, as in your case, too little education leads to foolishness. Read a few science books.

  3. @sweetooth87 Hey bro, just a quick comment that encouraging people to believe what ever they want to believe is dangerous. Its better to encourage rational honest thought, i mean imagine a whole group of people that thought that some ultimate power is urging them to take control of this sinful to set it right.

    Mathew 10:34 bro

  4. Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and to be proud of one, but don't take it out in public and don't shove it down childrens throughts.

  5. Daniel Dennet- came across this researching stuff on religion and I find it very interesting. I can relate to a lot of what he is saying and can feel that he is really onto something.

  6. The problem is, religion is often not an intellectual engagement. Even for otherwise rational people it can exists entirely within an emotional context. People can come into religion for entirely emotional means. This process bypasses the rational thought mechanisms. Because of this, its been shown that not only does education not lessen religiosity, but education can often times enhance religious zealotry. Unless we inoculate children to information before faith, education is not a cure.

  7. You cannot show a religious person facts that contradict the myths they believe true. You would be more successful teaching a sloth to breakdance

  8. It is a highly intelligent approach, but getting this approach across in the brutal, ignorant, extremely superstitious Islamic world – where the "reward" for apostasy is the death penalty – will be dificult to say the least. And check out the new democracy in Egypt where 70% of the people elected radical fundamentalist Islamists to parliament – there is a very long way to go, unfortunately.

  9. Incredible talk. It is true what Daniel says about the age of information. Knowledge is the erosion process of religious dogmas.

  10. I love this guy's views. You really get the sense he's empathetic regarding people's views despite their "delusions". Dawkins would be mercilessly hammering his brand of atheism on their way to their deathbed.

    Sometimes it's OK to let people stay "plugged into their matrix", so to speak.

  11. The only problem with this grand plan is that the harder you push for atheism the more people double down in belief. Atheists can be smug in thinking they have the correct worldview but cannot convincingly argue for it, otherwise people would leave religions. Your gonna have to do a lot better than that. Only 16 percent of the world is atheistic/non religious atm.

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