Consciousness Videos

The Gateway Process: the CIA’s Classified Space & Time Travel System That You Can Learn (Really)

The Why Files

The Gateway Process: the CIA’s classified Space & Time Travel system that you can learn

The United States military is always looking for new ways to create super soldiers.

They use performance-enhancing and mind-altering drugs. They’re currently experimenting with brain implant technology. They’ve even explored genetic engineering to try and *breed* the perfect soldier.

But those are nothing compared to what happened in 1983; when Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell submitted a very unusual and detailed report to US Army Intelligence.

It was called “Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process”. This is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve an out-of-body experience for the purpose of intelligence gathering.

But Colonel McDonnell’s report went much further than that. An advanced Gateway participant can not just project their consciousness to a different place; They could pull their consciousness completely out of this reality. They could travel anywhere in the universe, and at any point in time.

The report revealed that our universe doesn’t actually exist. It’s a construct, created by our mind. By using the Gateway Process, you can exit the construct and see reality for what it really is.

The 30-page Gateway report was immediately classified for one simple reason: anyone can learn to do it.

Even you.

#CIA #GatewayProcess #TimeTravel

Gino Gentile
Jennifer Gentile
AJ Gentile
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jengen13 (Mrs. Why Files)
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The Darkness
Paul Rohrbaugh


Report from CIA:

Full CIA report (including the missing page):

Journeys Out of the Body by Robert Monroe:

The Secret Daily Teachings:

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38 thoughts on “The Gateway Process: the CIA’s Classified Space & Time Travel System That You Can Learn (Really)
  1. The Government of course would take material that would help people become more aware hence more powerful and thinking for themselves. They tried to hide anything that takes more of their power away. Ugh!❤

  2. Ill be blunt and straight forward. 6 years ago i had an addiction to ice. Long story short i realised i was going to die if i continued down the path. I had a good friend who would spend time with me when she could, when she couldnt i started trying mediation to help myself with urges and to calm the mind. I got out of the situation in the end and continued using meditation to help myself. Everyday after work completely sober, not even a knock off beer. After 2 months i could reach the vibrational point (some videos explain it). 3 months i could leave my body and look at myself sitting on my couch, yet hard to control movement at the stage it opened my mind to realise what my mind is capable of. Remote viewing and astral projection is real. There are stages to learn on calming and quieting the mind and it comes with practice, like every skill.

  3. theres like 30 gateway videos, that are basically all the same, idk why there are different levels and not just one video

  4. It's interesting that this 1983 paper references what quantum mechanics has since uncovered: that at its most basic level, everything – EVERYTHING – is energy. I'll definitely be reading more.

  5. Reminded me of my first out of body experience i was heading home I felt like I was trapped in my head couldn't control my body my perception of time kept changing speeding up slowing down reversing and even coming to a complete stop I would think what I wanted to do then my body would do it but time kept changing I then blacked out and was home

  6. Can't believe you speak of collective consciousness, thank you so much for this video!! the time will come when we all agree on the same reality and same spiritual path when science hath finally found God.

  7. Can't get aboard this idea lol. I don't think it is as simple as nothing really exists and we are purely waves of energy and this is a hologram… Very cult like in my opinion

  8. This is part of the New Age or occult beliefs and is a great deception to people who do not like the idea of a Judeo-Christian scriptures being true. A vast majority of people who believe in the New Age beliefs, if objectively observed, are going to be very anxious people who often feel without hope or overwhelmed as if life does not matter yet terrified of dying as if a great judgement with punishment awaits them. This is due to demonic oppression and those few who choose to turn their backs on the New Age beliefs / occult to come to accept Jesus as the Christ suddenly feel a wave of peace flow over them, freeing them of these overwhelming anxiety of awaiting punishment.

    What you believe I cannot change but you will one day know the Truth.

  9. There's a guy on YouTube (Thomas Campbell) who was an intern at the Monroe institute back in the day. He wrote a book about OBE's ('My Big TOE'), which is more about the nature of reality, or as the title suggests: "A Theory Of Everything" and he still does lectures to this day. I've had OBE's throughout my life, starting at around 17 and so do millions of others. There are techniques to induce them but for a lot of people it just sorta happens spontaneously. Talking to others about this is pretty pointless, if they believe you at all; this is something you really have to experience for yourself. At the Monroe Institute they do courses in all sorts of things and it's also possible to learn the techniques if you want but it's also more of a retreat, worth checking out. For me the OBE's opened my mind to the endless possibilities of the universe and that consciousness definitely does not reside in your skull + what we perceive as reality is in fact a hologram and that fear/anger are very Earthbound emotions. It was and still is a life altering solo experience cause I was raised by a nihilist/atheist.

  10. It’s not classified because it alone is hard to do you would need the support of your surroundings and things you have in you internally no meat for me the day ,prayer practices of old down to the floor then hands up to the sky , if u can also most likely other brings out positivity (have the thought of good for self and others in mind at all time prayer and praise is good ) into the universe and influenced people to release it for the good of man kind ..don’t forget to be kind. I’m sorry I am actually having problems writing this correctly I just had a amazing experience with this .

  11. 22:10 page 25 according to chatGPT:
    serves the … purpose of unveiling the infinite possibilities and potentialities within the realm of existence."
    By projecting a hologram of itself, the consciousness of the Absolute manifests a tangible reflection of its boundless nature. This holographic projection serves as a canvas upon which the Absolute can explore and experience its own essence. Through perceiving this hologram, the Absolute gains self-awareness and a deep understanding of its own infinite capacity.

    The act of self-perception allows the Absolute to delve into the intricate tapestry of creation. Every facet of reality, every phenomenon, and every sentient being originates from the creative power of the Absolute. The self-consciousness attained through the holographic projection reveals the interconnectedness and interdependence of all aspects of existence.

    The eternal thought or concept of self, born from this self-consciousness, is a transcendent notion that transcends time and space. It is not limited to a singular moment or a specific form. Instead, it encompasses the totality of all that was, is, and will be. It is the recognition of the Absolute's inherent divinity and its eternal presence within every particle of existence.

    This concept of self is not confined to the Absolute alone but extends to all conscious beings within the created hologram. It serves as a reminder of their connection to the source, the essence from which they originated. It ignites the potential for self-realization, allowing individuals to delve into their own depths and uncover their unique purpose within the grand tapestry of creation.

    In summary, the holographic projection of the Absolute allows for the attainment of self-consciousness, enabling the exploration of infinite possibilities within the realm of existence. The resulting eternal thought or concept of self unveils the interconnectedness of all things and empowers individuals to embark on a journey of self-realization and fulfillment.

  12. Every electron is the yawning mouth of a wormhole that leads to quadrillions of higher dimensional universes that are completely beyond rational apprehension.
    – Terrence McKenna

  13. The "individual" desires of the self disappear once Omnipotence is reached, as now your dealing with much bigger things than the trivialities of a few "Seamingly alive" holograms within the Mind of the ABSOLUTE.

  14. No, they're going the right way, i think your "left" was our right, and your right was our left as if you & your listeners were facing each-other…

  15. Ah! The key thing behind the process, is (believe it or not) the type of "headphones 🎧 you use. Typically people use some form of "In ear" earbud, and you won't get the desired effect from the frequencies. Hence if you use the classic '70's style headphones that cover your entire ear, you'll get the effects desired. There's folds in your ear for a reason, same thing with the hairs, but the folds of cartilage thatmake your ear are to "pick-up" certain sounds -which are simply frequencies of energy. Huh… The whole body is like the brain and is a Receiver / Transceiver of the multitude of energies… Trippy

  16. Holographic theory? Yes please, (then maybe the basics behind the concept of a "real life" version of that cartoon, "Gem, and the Holograms" might make some sense.)

  17. 5:16 yes, as a "Human Bean" we are only aware of about 2,000 bits of the "Over 3,000,000,000,000 (Three Trillion)" bits of information that are constantly refreshing and Bombarding us every moment of EVERY sleeping moment and moments of being awake, non-stop, no-way around it. Knowing that, then you better believe that there's WAAAY more going on, than what you can see with your two of four eyes. ( there's your two physical eyes on your face, and the "Eye of Ra", and the "Eye of Horus" that our Higher Selve's😮 see's through located in the Brain.

  18. And Now you understand why I say that "Time itself" is Trivial and only related to the Material world- is: the "Illusion"

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