Art Theory


Ashlynne Eaton

What is Swedish death cleaning and why is everyone talking about it? Today, we’re talking about this new minimalism trend that puts a new spin on traditional decluttering. I’m going to be sharing what Swedish death cleaning is and my personal take on this concept. What are your thoughts on death cleaning?

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39 thoughts on “THE GENTLE ART OF SWEDISH DEATH CLEANING | new minimalism trend?
  1. Just open the door and let who ever you want after death clean my apartment. No burden, when you say give it all away, before and after death. I have donated my body .Close the bank account and open the door to everyone, and it will be cleaned out in minutes. Set a time limit to grab the stuff.

    I love Acapulco and Singapore. I love your channel. Travel is the very best education, but please read and learn before you travel anywhere, and remember it is nice to be nice. Treat everyone, the way you want to be treated. Be fair and not GREEDY!

  2. Brilliant topic. My husband and I are retired, and have had 3 relations houses to clear in our time, it took so much time and energy. We have slowly been emptying all the stuff we have accumulated over 48 years. It is so freeing. It’s like living in a holiday house now! We have an emergency folder for our family so they can find everything when needed.

  3. My best word of advice since my mom died and left us all the house full of stuff is get a will please! It relieves slot of heartbreak. Goodwill or better yet Salvation Armys better, are glad to pick up anything you need gone. And it's twords a good cause!

  4. Best and most concise explanation of the process. I found it especially helpful for you to mention the passwords. All of mine are on my locked phone or in my locked 3-layer protected password manager (duh…what was I thinking??!!). Now I am ready to read the book. Thanks for your review.

  5. We can die instantly, and just open my apartment and give everything away. my family will shut down my bank account, and have me cremated , without any service. I am enjoying my stuff, and what I do use, it is packed away. My apartment will be empty in about an hour. I could care less about death cleaning.

  6. I absolutely love the idea of Swedish death cleaning. I started my process earlier this year when I turned 49. It's actually a freeing experience.

  7. Thanks for this great review of this concept I heard about a few times. I think it's a bit weird though, as it seems like it's more important to focus on what people may think of us and do of our things than focusing on one's own good while still alive. That's why I LOVE people like Marie Kondo or Fumio Sasaki who insist on keeping only things we love or that are extremely useful so that your present is in accordance with your lifestyle and hopefully happy.
    Tidying, sorting, decluttering your things always thinking of your death and not your own happiness, this is gloomy, and I must say I'm not surprised it comes from Scandinavian countries, as the rate of depression and unhappiness is often reminded.

  8. This kind of thing makes me wonder if there are Swedish people talking about how they deal with just the few possessions that are left behind by a dedicated Swedish Death Cleaner. Because I want to very much to know how other people deal with knowing that everything someone left were things they loved.
    Every video I find on decluttering things from a lost loved one talks about 'junk' and things they 'may not even have liked'
    But, I'm finding it very hard to declutter my house because of how much sentimentality gets attached to objects when someones doesn't leave behind many of them. Nobody I've seen talks about that.

    My father was of a minimalist mindset, and left behind only what he loved most in the world- His books and his cookware, and a few keepsakes. An entire bookcase worth of books is, however, still too much for me to keep. I live in a small space, so I'm trying to figure out how to declutter it. But these books, each of them, were ones he loved, most he told me he hoped I'd read. I know they were because he told me so, and gave away books he didn't care for. (Not expecting a response, though feel free, just thoughts because this video is way more heavy than I expected actually 🙂

  9. I've never really heard about it before but I've thought of it many times while cleaning and decluttering my place. Even earlier today I was looking at my "chaos" drawer and telling my husband " It's time to go through that mess again, babe. It's clearly out of control." Thank goodness I'm in a place in life where I know what is valuable to me and I keep only those things around. My husband is still a regular person, he keeps things and all. Sometimes he doesn't really understand my cleaning process of decluttering stuff to make my life better. He sees value in everything. But yes, I like the concept and I'm actually going to go through it soon. Very soon.

  10. Even though I'm a woman "of a certain age," and death cleaning is looming, all it took was a couple of episodes of "Hoarders" to keep me focused on keeping only those things that are important. I like to think that my kids (in their 30s & 40s) Will be able to sail through the disposing part with no problems

  11. I love this and am completely on board with the idea. My husband and I have a massive amount of clutter and I worry that something will happen to us and my 21 year old son will have the burden of going through all our junk. Unfortunately my husband doesn't think the same so I will just go through my possessions and hope for the best.

  12. Thank you for explaining this so beautifully. I had not heard of this before today and i'm 61 years old, lol. God Bless you; i'm also grateful to have found your channel today:-) Blessings:-)

  13. I work as a caregiver in an assisted living place and it's hell for us too. The little studio apartments are crammed with stuff because the adult kids feel powerless and guilty putting Mom there, too paralyzed to help, so we're struggling to get the wheelchair through all the furniture that came in when Mom walked, struggling with a closet crammed full of stuff that used to fit before Mom gained weight, struggling with the king size bed, Mom has dementia and can't/won't decide, we can't toss/donate anything bc it's not our property, so the whole scene is frozen except for the booming blood pressure of the caregivers. Want us to be nice to Mom? Look at what's causing frustration that you can DO SOMETHING about, tell Mom you're keeping it safe for her

  14. My parents died and we threw away 3 dumpsters just full of junk – the rest we gave to sibs which I took none except for a purse and sweater from my mom and some cheap jewelry that I wear when I miss her. The rest went to my sweet niece who bought the house and has us over every year for Thanksgiving at my parent's house. I know in my heart that my parents would have been thrilled that our family sold the house and many contents to my niece that helped care for them in the later years.

  15. Death cleaning should also be applied on debt. When I die, I don't want my family members worrying on debt I'd leave behind. Before my mother passed away, that was one thing she wanted done. To pay all her debts…and she did. Bless her heart, she not know left us debt-free responsibilities, she also left us money she saved up.

  16. I love your content but for some reason your facial expression and the tone of your voice makes me feel like you're about to burst into tears at any given chance. That kind of makes me unable to watch a lot of your videos.

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