Consciousness Videos

The Global Consciousness Project | Mini Documentary | Waking Cosmos


Can mind affect matter? And if so, what might this reveal about the nature of reality?

In this episode of Waking Cosmos we explore how several independent scientific studies suggest that the mind has a mysterious influence on the world. This research also seems to reveal that something like a “collective consciousness” may exist. While this evidence remains controversial, a number of highly qualified scientists are convinced that these strange effects are real.
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Global Consciousness Project Documentary
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26 thoughts on “The Global Consciousness Project | Mini Documentary | Waking Cosmos
  1. Well the last few years of my generation thinking its the end of the world has certainly willed some shit into reality.

  2. What an interesting subject, I almost have an obsession as to whether our consciousness really does survive our physical death, which begs the question, do we actually die even though our bodies are no longer viable… ?
    I am a new subscriber, so has this subject come up on your videos.
    I love your work.

  3. Do you read the Urantia Book? I wonder, because I've been considering what this book tells us about our minds and relationships with the Cosmic and what you say does harmonize very well in my personal philosophical experience. Thank you for your refreshing insights.

  4. Since this random number generator is based on radioactive material, and the events of 9/11 had a measurable effect on the RNGs. Do these kind of events effect to output of nuclear power plants?

  5. If mass attention coupled with intention can make things happen, what of the mind that will willed the entire matter of the universe into being? Such mind must have the highest form of attention and intention.

  6. we're on the cusp of something greater we're discovering the scientific method, discovering the earth isn't flat, finding out the true scale of the universe. it's so frustrating seeing modern science dismiss these ideas because there's something here and while it might not be as tangible as other fields of study this does warrant attention. science as we know it had the same humble beginning as a way to explain the world until an actual method was introduced and hopefully we'll see the same for this new frontier.

  7. " MIND vs MATTER : Mind is spiritual and constitudes the Invisible universe of Cause. Matter is physical and constitudes of the visible universe of Effect. Mind has but one idea. the idea of Creation as a whole . Mind has but one desire : the desire to give creative expression to the one whole idea. Mind expresses its desire electrically by thinking and imagining . Matter is the expression of Minds whole creative idea through Mind's electric thinking and imagining, which is sensed or experienced of itself ! ". Dr. Walter Russell

  8. Adrian, love watching your videos! You might also have mentioned that these effects have a somewhat precognitive aspect as well, the "anomaly" on the REG/RNGs registering slightly before the events of 9/11. And while you mention IONS, you missed an opportunity to herald the singular efforts of Dean Radin, who I see commented below… Again, I do admire and salute you in your efforts. Personally, I believe Consciousness is a Force that is primordial, superintendent, executive, and creative of all other perceived and acknowledged forces, and that science is wholly incomplete without that as an axiom. "Objective" science is an oxymoron, in that all experimentation is filtered through Consciousness, and as such must be a subjective even if shared perception.

  9. This idea was also mentioned by Jane Roberts , The Seth Material..Seth used the term "en Mass" I beleive..more evidence , we are conscious creators…

  10. Somehow someway I've always been able to manifest things or something as in now thanks to video I have it on video now so I am not hallucinating even within with outside above and beyond about myself who can see I am the first person on the planet to film or perform oh complete the 2 finger handstand as people call it I am levitating and just my middle and index fingers no thumbs. That is just one of many things that I am the first person to do in the physical world I have somewhere between 5 and 10 things like this some of them I'm doing myself some of them I am filming for the first time ever are you interested and if so how interested are you?

  11. I think the mind clearly affects matter. I deduce that our bodies are grown from our brains like roots and our bodies (at all times) affect and effect matter directly. Case closed. The question is…what will you do 🙂 ?

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