Consciousness Videos

The Illusions of Reality & The Basics of Sacred Geometry (The Patterns of Consciousness) Pt1

Total Consciousness

This video is the first of a series where I will be demonstrating various concepts such as sacred geometry, healing, spirituality, quantum theory, and general alternative out-of-the-box thinking.

Here I will be talking a little about geometric patterns and how everything in your life can be reduced down to a geometric structure. I will also be explaining a little about how these concepts can heal and transform your problems and situations in life but will be explaining this in much further detail in future videos. This is basically a foundational video for future videos to come.

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Recommended Links for Further Research:—————————————-
12 Vile Vorticies:
Ley Lines:
Quantum Entanglement:
The Planck Length:
The Dodecahedron & The Universe:
The Great Pyramids & The Octahedron:

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42 thoughts on “The Illusions of Reality & The Basics of Sacred Geometry (The Patterns of Consciousness) Pt1
  1. So, this is going to sound a bit crazy but I'm pretty sure I can see the universal pattern that underlies the structure or fabric of reality itself. It's a fractal pattern that is incredibly condensed and covers everything that I see. There is absolutely no empty space inside of the pattern, and any lines or empty space the pattern seems to have is just more out of focus pattern that I can see at the scale which we live within. It's almost like a membrane that covers or makes up everything in existence (you, me, particles, literally everything). I think that this pattern is the birthplace of all patterns that make up our reality (cells, trees, people, geometries, or patterns in art), kind of like the master pattern that contains all potential patterns or potential positions for any point or particle in space. The concept is similar to how trees grow outwardly as a fractalized structure in order to maximize their coverage within a finite footprint so that they can efficiently use resources and take in as much information (information being visible light for trees) from the sun as possible. Fractals have the ability to house an infinite amount of information within an infinitely dense point, and nature utilizes the most basic fractal pattern (phi) to achieve a high degree of efficiency, requiring the least amount of resources and effort for the maximum amount of payoff. I think this is inherently built into evolution. Efficiency of energy and information is pretty much the name of the game, and if we can find a way to utilize fractals in our technology, I think we'll be able to transfer unbelievable amounts of information. I don't know how it works or why it's there but it seems like some pretty quantum level shit.

  2. the universe is a reproduced identity in everything, this identity is that of existence, that existence is independent of time/space/thing. It's happening through absolute consciousness, that consciousness that is free of any impurities and questionability. That supreme consciousness is the epitome of a judgment. that judgment getting written against all odds and evens. Gravity is the surreal reality, consciousness is the absolute reality.

  3. Nice! and this geometry translatet into SOUND (is the "Space keeper") is forming a lattice for continous energy transformation into a resonant state called Universe or Matter. We are always only a Planck Lenghts away from the (big?) bangangang…. as we are from a uncertain Future. We are fractalised electro-cymatics – doesn't it look sooo beautiful ? …OM

  4. There’s a lot of left brainers commenting on this thread. It’s kinda crazy but no surprise. Instead of being critical of his theory use your right brain to understand the wholeness of the message.

    And yes..there’s criticism and separation but NONE of ya have offer ANY solution or correction.

    Wake up! Some of ya are still sleeping.

  5. hmm, i could've sworn that Pi actually does have an end point. I believe i heard it from another one of these types of videos explaining different aspects of the universe and the interactions therein.

  6. This makes nearly no sense to me. You just ramble on a bunch of stuff about geometry and trying to equate it to the 2 sexes without explaining how or why.

  7. when I meditate. And I've done this since I was around 10 or 12. My mind or soul/consciousness goes somehwere. I leave my body and it's like I'm in the middle now. And this world is fake.
    The best way I can describe is that when I leave my body it's then like I'm somehwere else hold a page or magazine. And everything that is now or ever was is happening in one single flat page of a magazine and I'm looking at it as if it wasn't real. Just there and nowhere at the same time. Give me a second…
    I'm going there now..I start to think how can we just exist..then I picture my self here and looking at myself at earth from space at the same time.. And it triggers it.
    I can keep on going with my mind but I feel like my body will just drop dead here on earth.But that my mind or soul would reach a place of understanding

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